The day you've been waiting for is almost here - freshman move-in day! With all of the excitement surrounding it, it's easy to let the logistics fall to the side. To ensure a stress-free move-in day, follow these tips!
Create a thorough packing list.
List everything from your lamp and comforter to your toothbrush and toothpaste. Looking at this list while shopping, packing and unpacking will make each of these steps infinitely easier. Put check marks or highlight each item as it is purchased, packed, and then unpacked in your room. On move-in day, you'll immediately know if something is missing if it isn't marked off on the list!
Coordinate with your roommate.
Even if your roommate is random, reaching out to them to decide who's bringing what is so important. Dorms are small as it is and nothing would be worse than accidentally having duplicates of something you didn't intend to in such a tiny space.
Choose an early move-in time.
This is a huge key to a successful move-in day! Early move-in times are much less popular, so hallways and stairwells will see a lot less foot traffic earlier in the day. You'll be able to set things in the hallway while getting organized without worrying someone may trip or accidentally think its theirs. If your parents are helping you move in, an early move-in time will allow you to make the most out of your time with them as well. Instead of having only a few hours of extra help, you'll have a whole day!
Come prepared.
Not only do you need to bring everything on your packing list, but bring things that will assist on move in day as well - scissors to cut any packaging, extra Command hooks or strips to hang pictures, and Clorox wipes and a broom for extra cleaning. Also, if your walls are made of cinderblocks, bring rubbing alcohol wipes to clean the shine off the walls before putting Command hooks up or else they will not hold.
Know exactly where your building is and the specified parking.
This seems obvious, but no one wants to waste time on move-in day trying to figure out where your dorm is and where to park. Check out a campus map the day before or take a day trip to campus if you live nearby to scope out where to go. Some campuses also have specific move-in day parking, so keep your eye out for information regarding that.
Put the rug in first, then follow with other big items.
If you have a rug (which you definitely should), it should be the first thing put in place. Arrange the furniture thats already in the room, then lay out the rug. If it needs to be tucked under furniture, its easiest to lift furniture that doesn't have anything on it yet. Put other large items like the mini-fridge in next and arrange the smaller items last.
Make the bed last.
On move-in day, your bed will serve as a step ladder more often than not. You may stand on it to hang pictures or curtains or to put a headboard in place and you definitely don't want to do these things with your bed already made.
Take pictures!
No matter what you tell your parents, move-in day is likely going to be the only day your dorm looks totally perfect. So don't forget to take pictures! Get before and after pictures, pictures of you and your roommate, pictures of your side of the room, and pictures of the whole finished product. This is going to be your home for a year and you definitely don't want to forget how it looked!
Move-in day is undoubtedly a little on the stressful side, but following these tips will help you make the best of it!