My day will be a failure without these things in my life! All of these things have some positive impact on your health, but some do have small negative effects. I just started college so I'm slowly learning to do things on my own, but it takes a lot of brain power to remember everything that's going on. You really are on your own and are controlling your life, yourself. A lot of these things are stress relievers or they keep your information organized or they just will help you process more of your long day. I personally need these at all times because I know I will need it once in a while. These are some things that I keep at all times!
1. Coffee. Discount? Please!
Coffee has to be the first essential that you need in your day once, the amount of coffee consumed by a college student is tremendous. That's why every campus has a Starbuck, for every student to get coffee anytime. But you should only have 1/2 cups of coffee a day because coffee isn't that healthy as we all know. You need coffee if you want to stay up late to finish an essay that is due at midnight. Been there, done that!
2. Plan your life away.
I'm a person that loves to plan everything, may I repeat myself, I LOVE PLANNING EVERYTHING! It's a great habit because you're aware of what your week will be like. I always try to plan my week out on Sunday night, go through every class's syllabus to know how the week will be like. I rather plan than write an essay. This really helps you sort your brain out, I know I get new things and dates thrown at me so this is a good habit for you to just understand what your week will be like.
3. Blessed with free time, waste it on your phone.
Sometimes, its good to give yourself a break, go to your phone. I, most of the time, need a break from homework and worrying about it, so I go to my social media or listen to music to get a mental break. It might not be the best, but a short break like 15 minutes will be good, not an hour long. Something different to try is to delete your social media apps for a day to not distract you from doing homework.
4. You never know when your things die, need chargers for everything.
I know this is something you should just carry around so you don't have to worry about if your battery dies for anything that you have with you. I need to carry around both my phone and laptop charger because I always will have my things dead by noon and I still have half of my day to go through.
5. Everything is on your laptop, literally.
My laptop is literally my life, it has everything I need for college and if I don't have that I will get nothing done. Everything is online, especially for college so if I don't have my laptop, I basically have nothing to do and I waste time. Especially with this technology advancement, you have an online calendar, a planner with you or you can add to your to-do list with your stress.
6. Color pens help to memorize quickly.
In my psychology class from high school, I learned that if you write your notes or anything with color pens, you're more likely to remember what you wrote. This is really helpful for any test, and for me, colors pens make writing notes a bit fun. Most of the time my stress is about getting things memorized for a big exam, so this is really helpful and brings attention to all important things.
7. Headphones are life
One time my friend lost her headphones, you went crazy like literally a panic attack. I told her she can use my headphones, she was like no, what am I going to do tomorrow if I don't have them today. And my friend literally is that person that has headphones in 24/7, even when talking to someone. She knows who she is! But even I can't live without my headphone, you just need them when you need to tune out or take your mind off of things.
8. Need to be hydrated while running from one class to the next.Â
Water is essential for anyone, not just a college student. You need it, it's good for your skin, overall health, and body. Water can help with anything. I try to keep drinking water, but I just forget to drink it, it's hard. I sometimes get that weird feeling in my stomach. But the water keeps you awake and keeps stress away as to calm you down.
9. Keys to life, everything relies on this.
I'm a commuter so my keys are my life to go home. But taking a drive can help during a stressful time is really helpful. Just jamming to your favorite songs, and forgetting about your stress is a good combination. Or go for a walk or run or even go to the gym will release stress.
10. Can't be dying in the winter without chapstick.
You need to take care of your face to keep yourself awake on stressful nights and to get a good sleep. Chapstick will help you keep more hydrated and feel better about how you look. You need to keep a facewash or a nightly routine to help with your overall health.