5. Set higher standards for yourself. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Pieces of Advice I Would Give My Younger Self

I wish I could tell her that everything would be alright.

10 Pieces of Advice I Would Give My Younger Self
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When I was younger, I watched a lot of JennaMarbles videos on YouTube. In one video, she talked about how she wished her future self could fly down on a spaceship and comfort her younger self. I remember thinking a lot about that when I was going through a lot. So now, I want to grant that wish to my young, angsty, teenage self.

1. Learn to love your body.

Christina Aguilera in Rupaul's Drag Race


As long as I can remember, I always thought of one part of me that I could change. As a child, I hated my full lips because all of my friends had thinner, curved lips. All throughout middle school and high school, I hated that no matter how active I was in sports, I would always have a little lower stomach fat. Now, as a college student who has since struggled with the infamous "freshman fifteen", I would tell myself to just love and accept your body instead of trying to chase the ever-changing beauty standards.

2. Don't get back with that ex.

Serena Williams in Beyonce's "Sorry"


It's like the common trope, "If it won't work the first time, it probably won't work the second." It's a lesson that you needed to learn once, the hard way. But not for a second time. Spare your heart and just say no.

3. Give yourself time for the issue to work itself out.

Kurt Cobain checking his watch


So many times, I stressed myself out over issues that just took time to solve itself. If there isn't anything you can do about it, it's not worth worrying about. Take a deep breath and focus on the things in your life you can change (like that awfully cakey make-up routine in the 8th grade).

4. Stand up for yourself and how you feel.

Beck being confronted in Victorious


I know you grew up to be non-confrontational, but there are just some times that require you to look at someone in the face and say, "You have no right to talk to me that way" and "My feelings are valid". And sometimes you have to say this to an adult who is disrespecting you.

5. Set higher standards for yourself.

Ariana Grande flipping hair


You have control over who you want in your life whether that be friends, partners, co-workers, etc. Know your worth and manipulate your environment for what you deserve.

6. Be mindful of what you say about other people.

Jim from "The Office" hiding in car


You have no idea yet how much words can affect others. If you can't say it to their face, don't say it behind their back. It will get back to them, and you will suffer the repercussions of it. It's not worth it.

7. Cut out those fake friends.

Dude York cutting it


This goes back to creating the environment you deserve. If your "friend" trashes your other friends, they probably do the same to you behind your back. If they only come to you out of convenience, they don't really care about you. Cut. Them. Out.

8. Stop talking so much about yourself.

Ken doll being ducktaped


Everyone loves talking about themselves, but not everyone loves hearing it. Start listening more. Contribute to the conversation in other ways rather than whats going on in your life. It can be exhausting.

9. Stop apologizing for every little thing.

MTV Decoded Sorry Not Sorry


I know that one time a girl ran into you and made you drop your books, and then YOU said sorry for "being in the way". Unforgivable. Stop apologizing for nothing.

10. Take a deep breathe, because pain is temporary.

Josephina deep breathing


My many melodramatic journal entries remind me of how every heartbreak and worry felt like the end of the world. It's good to cry and to revel in self-pity. But there is a time to try to move on because life is bigger than just the problems you have in your life. It feels overwhelming now, but it doesn't last forever. Breathe. Everything will be alright.

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