I've worked in a vacation town for almost three years now, and my coworkers and I can all agree that coming across THAT tourist is the most cringe-worthy part of our day. Coming across them means that we gather into a short rant session where we talk about how horrible they were.
Some of the times my coworkers have run into THAT tourist has caused them to cry because they are literally just that horrible. If you've worked in customer service in a vacation town, then you definitely know what I'm talking about. They come in all shapes and sizes, but there are certainly characteristics that they all have in common.
1. Don't think that the whole world revolves around you.
It is NO ONE's job to meet your every demand. We have other customers that we have to help, and we can't and won't change the rules for anyone, including you, no matter how special you think you are.
2. Don't name drop.
Especially when you're standing next to the person you're name dropping and they ain't ever seen you in their life. Guess what: if our job's guidelines says one thing, knowing the owner won't change that.
3. Don't bring one thousand teeny tiny bags with you.
First of all, if you can afford a big ol' vacation at a luxury hotel, then you can afford to walk into Goodwill and buy yourself a decent sized suitcase. No bells and whistles needed, but expecting someone to carry your eighteen bags is just wrong. Do yourself and all those "serving" you a favor and get your luggage organized.
If you're eating at a restaurant where you are being served...TIP! If someone is handling your eighty pound luggage...TIP! If someone is valeting your car...TIP! If someone just drove you in a private taxi...TIP!
5. Follow the rules.
If someone at a place that you're visiting says you can't do something, YOU CAN'T DO IT. They have the right to kick you out if you aren't listening to them, especially when it has to do with your safety.
6. Don't let your selfies disrupt the flow of traffic.
When someone is trying to do their job, don't get in their way so you can get your perfect Insta pic. In the same way, don't break the rules if there are signs that say "no pictures." And don't pass barriers to take said pictures because you could be putting your own safety at risk.
7. Use your manners.
Just because you can afford to go on a vacay doesn't mean you suddenly are exempt from using your manners. It's polite and considerate to thank people who do things for you, and please goes a long way.
8. Read.
There are literally signs everywhere that tell you what you can and can't do, where to go and where not to go, etc. You just got to use the knowledge you have from first grade and read those signs.
9. Research your destination!
***News flash*** There IS such thing as a dumb question. Sure, people in tourist destinations get many of the same questions over and over on a daily basis, but sometimes they get questions that are way outta whack. Does it really make sense that a 5 mile suspension bridge could somehow 'swing' over to another place than its original location?
10. Remember you're human.
Sure, you might accidentally be THAT tourist, but realizing it and apologizing for it is a good thing. We all have those moments sometimes, so it's totally understandable.
HUGE shout-out to my roomie and coworker, Meghan, for helping me realize that it was time someone talked about THAT tourist.