This summer has definitely been a beautiful one and I'm sure many of you, like myself, have taken full advantage of this fact and traveled a bit during the long summer months. Over the years of traveling, I have definitely learned a few tips and tricks along the way to make the journey a little easier (and hopefully lighter).
1. Pack LIGHT. Whether your running through the airport or just hate doing loads of laundry when you're returning home, I've learned to pack very light. Make a goal to only have a "carry on" size bag of clothing and toiletries and if electronics are necessary then bring a backpack. Packing only the essential clothing items will make your run through the airport or treck in the woods much faster and lighter.
2. Bring a powerbank! With the new technology in phones, cameras are not a necessity on vacations anymore, and planes with charging outlets are not overly common yet! But with taking all the photos or Facebook stalking your ex's on your fancy smartphone, you are sure to drain your battery! Carrying a compact powerbank can recharge those batteries and keep your phone life going strong!
3. ALWAYS carry snacks. Airport food is SUPER expensive and so is the average rest stop food! Pack a small bag of filling snacks like granola or nuts and you can stay full and energized on your journey!
4. Wear layers. Traveling usually consists of temperature changes. My go-to traveling outfit is leggings, sneakers, a t-shirt, and a long sleeve flannel. This way I can layer up or down when the AC gets too cold and the humidity gets too high!
5. Travel with a companion. I've had my fair share of traveling alone and let me tell you, it's boring!! Having an awesome copilot who can pick the tunes on roadtrips or take the seat next to you to avoid the creepy guy on the plane is a MUST.
Keeping these five little tips in mind is sure to make your traveling experience a little better and hopefully a little easier!