As I pursue a career in the journalism field, I have encountered a lot of ups and downs. Although things get crazy and stories may fail, I still love being a journalist. So here are some tips for those of you who are aspiring journalist or are still undecided about what you want to do.
1. Always come up with extra questions
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When you interview a source, there may be some hard questions to ask like "why did your business fail?" or "how did you feel about so-and-so's death?" and most of the time your source might not want to answer or wants to be off the record. Always come prepared with different types of questions. You can even re-word hard questions to make them sounds less harsh. For example, instead of "why did your business fail?" ask "what conditions lead to the closing of your store/restaurant? "
2. Don't be afraid to talk to people you don't know
As a journalist, you will have to interview office officials, police officers, people off the street, etc. most of whom you've never met. That's normal though, just be confident! Journalism is a doing field, you need to be able to talk to people and communicate your findings in an engaging way.
3. Take any story and make it extraordinary
No matter how big or small a story is, embrace it and make it the best story you've ever written! Journalists need to come up with ideas and report, write, edit, publish and promote their stories themselves. A good story takes independence,
4.Timing is EVERYTHING
Deadlines are a huge part of journalism, it's how breaking news gets out right after it happens. Get your stories in on time!
5. Not every story will work out as planned
I'm already learning, and you soon will, that not every story you are assigned will go right. You'll call a source and they won't answer or call back, a source won't give you good information, the police won't allow you certain information, your story may not get enough attention or even not get publish. It's all a part of the business. It's competitive and may even be unfair sometimes but in the end, you have to take a deep breath and keep moving on with your head held high.