Any college student knows that the end of the semester can be extremely stressful. The main cause of stress = FINALS. One girl who excels under pressure however is the one and only Blair Waldorf. She can take on anything and with her help you can take on finals. Here are some of her helpful tips on how to succeed during finals week:
Study Study Study
In college studying is extremely important, and for finals it is absolutely vital. It's hard to get a good grade if you don't take the time out to know the material. Seriously study until there's nothing left to study. I promise you if you want a good grade don't let laziness get in the way. Whether its for finals or succeeding in college in general, studying is the only way to go.
Textbooks are your best friends
Going hand in hand with studying, textbooks can often be vital to you during finals week. It depends on the teacher but more times than not you need your textbook for the tests. Don't neglect taking a look at them, especially during finals week. It could potentially be a life saver when test time actually comes around.
Don't be afraid to admit you're stressed
Blair knows first hand that its okay to admit when you're not okay. For example when you're freaking out over finals and grades have you on the verge of a mental breakdown, it's okay. You're not alone, especially during finals week. Chances are if you tell your friends how stressed you are they will be able to vent right along side with you.
Take a break every now and then
Stress is normal, but too much is not healthy for you at all. This is why its so important to take a break every now and then. Get together and de-stress with friends, or relax by yourself with some Netflix. Whatever you do, make sure to take a chance whenever you can to chill out for a little. It will do wonders for you.
Food = Fuel! Don't Neglect Eating
When spending all your time studying it's easy to forget about the world around you. For example, you may get so caught up in your books that you forget about dinner. However, if you're trying to ace those exams you need fuel for your brain. This starts by eating! Even if its a simple snack make sure to eat something, in the end it will only help you.
Personal Hygiene is still important
Another thing you may forget about is as simple as hygiene. However simple it may seem, though, it really is an important thing to remember. Trust me, you can take ten minutes to shower. It will make you feel better and make you look better as well.
Don't forget to come back to studying
After taking any breaks for eating, relaxing, sleeping, showering, etc, make sure to come back to studying. I know it can be hard, but if you really want that A then you have to be determined. Have some self control and get back to hitting the books.
Coffee can be a life saver
When pulling those late night study sessions, there's nothing that can compare to coffee. Coffee during finals week is seriously a must. If you haven't tried it I promise that you should. It will really help pull you through this crazy time in your life.
Dress well, test well
Dressing well is a major part of success. After all, if you look good it often leads to you feeling great as well. Dress your best and you'll feel your best. Therefore, you will feel great going into your tests.
Be confident going into your finals
Confidence is a powerful thing. If you think you can, you will. So think you can ace those exams. After all, with the work you put in your finals should be a piece of cake. You got this.
Celebrate when its finally over
Lastly remember that finals week will come to an end eventually. When it does, don't forget to celebrate all of your hard work. You deserve it so get crazy and de-stress once and for all.