It is the two weeks we just dread since the first day of the semester. However, after this, we are summer bound and free of those dreaded test and projects!
1. Stay organized
Take your notes from the semester and make flashcards or a color-coded study guide. If your professor used PowerPoints go through and take notes of the most important features. By staying organized, you save time looking for missing information, and you can gauge what is most important.
2. Take breaks from studying
When studying for hours you begin to just wear yourself out. Give yourself a small break in between whether it is taking a walk outside your room, snack break, deep breaths, or just a phone call to mom to clam you down. Whatever you need do to begin focus and just not stress outdo it.
3. Find a good study space
For finals studying you need to avoid any outside distractions. Find a nice quiet space you feel most comfortable in, and somewhere you will have the least amount of distractions. Book a study room in the library, use the study rooms in your dorm, or even if you can find a nice little area on the quad.
4. Eat right
When prepping for study sessions food typically is not the first thing on your mind. We tend to just grab our coffee at Starbucks or grab cookout on the way to the library because we do not want to deal with taking the time to meal prep. However, eating right is a huge part of how you will do on your test and your memory when it comes to studying. So with that said to buy some quick and pay snacks like fruit, and prep meals in advance so it Is easy to make before your study session.
5. Getting sleep
Cramming all night long before your exam is NOT the way to go here. Sleeping plays key parts in retaining memory and functioning at full pace. Put the book down, walk home, and get in bed at a reasonable hour because you will do better than if you stay up all night.
We all aren't going to be 100% focused all of finals week, but do your best. Just think one or two weeks of exams for two months of freedom is not so bad. Finals are not the end of the world and you will be fine I promise. Every college student goes through it so you are not alone.