As much as I hate to admit it, the days of winter break are dwindling away and another semester is soon to begin. This winter break is my last one ever, so I'm even more bummed about it as usual. But I am also about finishing out my college career with one more semester. Reflecting on my three and a half years of college, I've learned a few things that have made life at school much better through experience and friends. So, here are some tips to have a great and successful semester.
Good luck!
Get a planner and use it.
My planner has saved my life on several occasions. Sometimes I forget about an assignment and happen to open my planner just in time to complete it. Organization is an important skill to have.
Another tip for your planner is to pull your syllabi and event calendars together and map out your assignments for the semester right away in your planner. Planning ahead can spare you some stress and help you prepare accordingly.
Meet your professors.
Within the first few weeks of classes, introduce yourself to your professors. It's hard for them to remember all of their students' names and taking the time to say hello will give them a positive impression of you. Forging relationships with professors can give you amazing mentorships. One day they may even be able to write you recommendation letters.
Okay, I'll be the first to admit that I don't always make exercise my first priority. It's hard sometimes to fit working out in an already busy schedule, but I always feel so much better when I do, even if it's just going on a long walk. So try to squeeze a few days of exercise into your weekly schedule. You won't regret it.
Get enough sleep.
Sleep is so important to keeping healthy and your productivity. You can't get quality work done on three or four hours of sleep. Trying to focus in class is hard to do on little sleep. Sometimes you just can't avoid late night study sessions, but try your best to get on a regular sleep schedule. Your body and mind will thank you.
Make time for friends.
Also make time for yourself.
Eat healthy.
Taking the time to make heathy meals will significantly improve your well-being. If you still have to eat at the dining hall, your options are limited but you still have chances to eat healthy. You'll feel so much better if you don't eat pizza every day. But having pizza every now and then is okay.
Create a study schedule.
Early on find out when you have time to study during the week. We all procrastinate and it's too unrealistic to pretend we won't, but try your best to study and start papers before the last minute. Cramming and all nighters really aren't the best study methods. Planning ahead will save you from mental break downs.
Join an organization.
Spring semester isn't too late to join a campus club or organization. Some Greek life houses hold spring recruitment. Many student publications welcome new members all the time. Join an intramural team. There are many opportunities to take advantage of. Get involved!
Have fun.
Study hard, play hard. Balance all your hard work with some fun. I can't wait to finish my last semester with a bang. Fest season is coming up, and Bobcats know that's always a good time. Reward yourself with a liquor pitcher every now and then. Have a great, fun semester.