College is like meeting your significant other's family... at their family reunion. You are forced to balance several different things at once and there are moments where we all have contemplated dropping out and becoming a stripper. If you are denying that then we need to have a talk. However, there is no need for that; we will all make it through.
To get through school is the plan, right? C's get degrees. However, those who are capable of doing extracurriculars while maintaining around a 3.0 or better are exceptional and better off finding a job right out of college. It's a sad truth. But here's the thing, it sounds nearly impossible but learning a few good habits can help better prepare you for success.
Managing your time well is the first step to accomplishing all your goals. If you cannot get to where you need to be and turn in what you need to turn in on time, then there is no way you will be able to get anything done. Additionally, this will just make life more stressful. Before you commit to something, make sure you can find time to do. Do as much as you can without overdoing it. Tip: buy a planner and update it every day (make sure you plan time to grab lunch and sleep; health is important)!
Walking around on campus passing thousands of faces each day can make it intimidating to make new friends. We have all thought "what if they don't like me?" or "what if they do not want to be my friend?". However, it is important to have a support system, whether that be a church group, through greek life, or a friend you met in class. When you have people there to support you and talk to you, it makes going through hard times better. Mostly every college student during their time at school has a desire to go out and have a good time with friends; I know I do. The thing is if you let that become a priority over school and other important things to do, then that goes back to being stressed about not getting your stuff done. Also, it is important to keep in mind that bad company corrupts good morals. A little bit of something is not a bad thing until it begins to take over your life. Tip: it is okay to have fun and go out, but do not make that a priority.
Save your money!! As a college student, I understand it is hard to keep up with a job while balancing all the schoolwork and extracurriculars. Therefore, when you do receive money, save it. You never know when you will need it more than what you are trying to buy now. Tip: you can survive on a sandwich and water rather than going out to eat every other night.
And last but not least, it is okay to call your mom, dad, or another family member and ask for help. They have more wisdom and know us sometimes better than we know ourselves. It is not embarrassing to ask for help when you are down or struggling. Everyone understands college is hard and not for everyone.
Tip: have fun but maintain high goals for yourself. You can do it!