Starting your own business can seem like a daunting task, especially in college. You have classes, studying, club meetings, social events, and a life to live! Who has time in between all of that to start a business?
I am here to give you all of the tips and tricks that I have learned from my experience in opening my small business my freshman year of college.
Find Your Passion
First things first, find what you want to sell or market. Is there something that you're passionate about but not sure if you want to make a career out of it? Turn that passion into a side hustle!
For example, I have always loved weddings. More specifically, I loved designing boho chic weddings with tons of floral and greenery. On top of this, I was always a really crafty person who was constantly working on a new DIY project. I combined these two passions of mine into my Etsy shop where I create floral garlands and tapestries for people to decorate their boho chic weddings with.
Don't get discouraged if your first few ideas don't workout how you thought they would. It took me a very long time to nail down exactly what I wanted to do with my small business. It definitely takes some trial and error before you find what feels right.
Start Small
Seriously, start small. You're only one person, and one busy person at that. You can have big dreams for your small business, but start with small goals. Small goals make you feel like you're accomplishing something without getting too overwhelmed and wondering if you will ever be able to accomplish that task. Continuing to set and achieve smaller goals will incrementally help you reach your bigger goals for your business!
Find Your Audience
Work to find the people that want to buy your product. For me, I reach out to friends who are having weddings or know someone who is getting married soon just to let them know about my services. This doesn't always result in a sale, but it gets my name out there and lets people know that I am available!
As you continue to sell more, look to see who is buying your products. Is it mainly men or women? Younger or older? Is it for a specific event going on in their lives? As you begin to figure these things out, you can target who you reach out to and who to gear your advertising towards.
Use Your Resources
Use things like Etsy and Square to get your business going. These sites have little to no cost and they already have everything set up for you! Instead of starting your own website from scratch, use resources like Etsy to build your brand without having to build a platform first. Also, use social media to brand and advertise your business without spending a dime. Use hashtags in each post that will draw your targeted audience to your page.
Have Fun With It
Don't let it consume you. It's supposed to be fun, so let it be. I know its a business, but it's also your passion. Let it blossom and be a fun part of your life, not a stressful one!