College is a time of growth and change. In these four years of being crazy busy, meeting tons of new people, and dealing with different challenges, college can have either a positive or negative impact on your life. So, here are 5 healthy habits to inspire positivity in your day-to-day life.
1. Start And End Your Day With Thoughtfulness
This doesn't have to be meditating, but I absolutely love meditation! It is such a good way to get your brain relaxed and stress free before you start your day. I like to lay out my yoga mat, stretch, sit with my thoughts, pray, clear my mind and then after only 10 minutes I already feel a more positive energy. Doing this may look completely different for you though! You could just be purposeful with your thoughts while you are in the shower, or while you are making breakfast. Just be thinking about purposeful things and preparing yourself for the day ahead!
2. Turn At Least One Negative Into A Positive
This one is so hard, but so beneficial. Say something happens that is not what you had planned or just different than what you want. Rather than letting that one negative thing affect your mood and joy for the day, focus on how you are going to fix the problem or try to not let it happen again. Cry it out if you need to, then move on. Don't give it that power over you!
3. Treat Yourself
This doesn't have to be anything crazy! It could simply be giving yourself a study break, or studying in a cool coffee shop instead of your apartment. Buy yourself that pair of jeans that just went on sale!
4. Thoroughly Enjoy Your Meals
I feel like it is unheard of in this day and age to eat a meal without browsing Insta or watching YouTube. Try eating your meal slowly and without distractions. This also helps you not to just eat mindlessly out of boredom. SO many benefits!
5. Organize Or Clean Your Room At The End Of The Night
I, for one, cannot go to sleep with a messy room… Literally can't sleep. I have noticed though that the 5-minute clean up before bed keeps my room moderately clean 90% of the time. If my room is messy it is usually just that I didn't make my bed that day.
Hopefully, these 5 tips will help with creating a positive, intentional lifestyle! It just starts with one intentional decision and then it's a domino effect!