Dear 15 year old me,
1. That quiz you're stressing over won't matter in 3 years, don't lose too much sleep over it!
All your hard work will pay off in the long run but this quiz.. it is not going to make or break you so don't stay up until 2 am studying.
2. You don't know what you want to be yet, and you don't need to know!
You will figure it out! Maybe next year, maybe in two, or maybe not until you're 30. Just enjoy who you are and what you are NOW. The future will come to you in waves you can't control, so just go with the flow.
3. You'll meet AMAZING people in college. So don't worry too much about the people you lose on the way there.
Of course don't let the good friends slip away, but if someone is willing to throw away your friendship for stupid reasons, it's their loss not yours. The people who are meant to be in your life will stay, and the ones who aren't just make more room in your heart for the people who will come along.
4. Speaking of people who are meant to be in your life, you WILL find someone who treats you like a princess, gives you butterflies and makes you happier than you ever thought you could be.
All good things take time, and are always worth it when they eventually come along.. so be patient.
5. Learn how to do laundry, do the dishes and clean your room!
"Do the things you don't want to do!" It's way easier to make it a habit before you get to college and have no motivation to clean your dirty bowls and have no clue how to do laundry.
7. Listen!
You're really good at talking but make sure you're listening too! There's lots for you to hear and there are people who need you to listen and give them advice, don't get lost in your needs while neglecting your friends.
8. If it happened, it happened. Move on and learn from it!
For some odd reason even though you know you can't time travel, you still worry about the past! You always tell yourself, "But if I did this instead, that wouldn't have happened." If it's in the past all you can do is learn from it, so DO THAT! Tomorrow is a brand new day!
9. Speaking of brand new days, go to bed happy!
It will make for sweet dreams, and easier mornings (even though I still don't have any advice for making Monday's more bearable). If you got in a fight with someone today, call them and say your sorry. Tell people you are missing that you miss them and the ones you love that you love them. Going to bed with a love filled heart and eased mind makes for a happy and positive you!
Make your day something beautiful even when its destined to be ugly! It's all up to you!