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9 Things To Know For Living Abroad

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. - St. Augustine of Hippo.

9 Things To Know For Living Abroad
Scarlett Bradley

After my third year at university, I decided to take a leave of absence for 18 months. During those 18 months I ended up living in the beautiful province of Quebec. This worthwhile experience taught me some of my greatest life lessons. Here are some reminders that will help you while living abroad.

1. Be willing to make mistakes

Your in a new country. Things are going to be different. You may not know the language. The culture and customs may be hard to remember. But it's alright. You shouldn't expect yourself to know everything. You will make mistakes but as long as you keep trying, you will get it.

2. Have fun along the way.

Scarlett Bradley

When I first got to Quebec, everything was new and felt overwhelming. Sometimes in the rush of trying to learn everything at once, I forgot to stop and look at what was around me. Once I did that the fun began. Make sure to take time to make sure that you are having fun.

3. Learning the language will take time

Learning a new language takes a lot of hard work, which includes making numerous mistakes along the way. For example, one time, I told someone to have a nice "conjoint" (spouse) rather than "congé" (holiday). Embarrassing! I know. But with every mistake I made, I got better. With every effort you make, you will be one step closer to becoming fluent.

4. Be willing to adapt

Fun fact! Lots of things are different in Quebec than in the US. For example, gasoline is sold in litres not gallons, and they use bagged milk rather than milk in a jug. Things will be different because you are in a different country. The best thing to do is to enjoy adapting to the new.

5. Get to know the people

You will find that everyone is different in their own way. But also, we are all pretty similar, in the sense that we all have our moments of joy and sadness. We all go through the motions of life. As you fraternize with those around you, some of your greatest friends will be made while living abroad.

6. Enjoy the quirky things

The first summer I spent in Quebec, I discovered Quebec's deep love for blé d'inde (indian wheat). Yup! Corn! In Quebec everyone loves to eat corn during the summer. At first I thought it was pretty random. But once I saw how happy people were when they got together to eat corn, I became a fan too! The quirky things will become some of your most favorite memories.

7. Prepare for homesickness

When I left to Quebec I had already lived away from home for years. So I didn't expect to be homesick. But, surprise! I started missing the most random things: rolling mountains, dogwoods blossoms in the spring, and waffle fries. At some point, you will start missing things you didn't know you would miss.

8. Your heart will divide in two

As I said before you might experience some homesickness. Yet, this goes the other way around too. The moment you get home you will want to be back living abroad. Your heart will love both places infinitely. They will become a part of you.

9. You will want to do it again

Because you will have loved your experience of living abroad, you will want to do it again. Quebec was not my first time living abroad, although it was for the longest amount of time I spent abroad. Already I am dreaming of where to go to next. I am sure that you will be doing the same.

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