Surely, I can't be the only one who gets crazy motivation at the beginning of the semester. I go buy all my books and school supplies, and tell myself that this semester will be the best one yet. I secretly vow to myself that I'm going to keep up on all my readings, papers, assignments, and studying. I tell myself that I can do it, and everything will be great. Do I actually follow through? No, not usually. I fall behind on my readings I need to do, and I push all assignments and studying until the very last minute (I am a master procrastinator). I'm sure that many other students also fall into this pattern. It doesn't have to be like this--we can maintain that optimism and motivation throughout the semester.
Use a planner.
Any planner will do, as long as it's the correct year. Write down all assignments, tests, due dates, etc. Trust me, you won't remember it later, and you won't like that zero you get. Also, it helps so you can see what all you have going on at any given time, so you can manage your time better.
Post-It notes.
Put them everywhere. On your books. In your books. All over your notebooks. Cover your planner with them. Stick them on the walls, your door, wherever you'll see them. They're helpful to visually see reminders of what you have to do, or random thoughts you have.
To-Do lists.
Make them for everything! It's so helpful to see every single thing that you have to do for that day. This also helps you to be able to prioritize your tasks so that you get to that paper that's worth 50% of your grade. Not to mention, crossing items off of a to-do list is extremely satisfying.
Limit Netflix time.
I can't deny that even though Netflix is probably the greatest thing since sliced bread, it's also the worst. It is so incredibly easy to get sucked in; and before you know it, you've watched three seasons of a T.V. show. Limit it to like an episode a day, or watch it as a reward when you're caught up.
Go to class.
This seems kind of obvious, right? I know people who are already skipping their classes the first week of school. Going to class, taking good notes, and paying attention will help you stay focused on school and not get into a routine of slacking off.
If someone were to look at my old notes or use my old books, they might think that a child got into them because so much is highlighted. It's so helpful when you're reading something to be able to pick out what is most important, and it helps you retain the information you read.
Positive notes.
Whether it's a post it on your book, a note on the fridge, something on your phone, or a dry-erase message on your mirror, remind yourself that you've got this. This is going to be your semester, and you're going to absolutely kill it!