There are many resources out there on how to make gains and keep them when you work out. Anyone who has been going to the gym for a while will tell you that this is not as easy as most people think it is. It takes hard work and planning to be able to achieve your fitness goals. For people who use steroids, one of the most frequently asked questions is whether they can be able to keep their gains once they stop using them. The simple answer is Yes. Of course, you need to be strategic about how you approach your post-cycle workout regime. A common mistake that a lot of trainees make is putting a lot of effort into planning steroid cycles while forgetting that the training program is just as important. If you are going to be able to keep your gains, you must draw up your post-cycle program and do your best to stick to it.
Here are some tips and tricks for keeping gains after steroids:
1. Be smart about how you come off the cycle
Once you are off steroids, your muscles will need stimulation that is close to what they were used to when you were using steroids. Although trying to maintain the level of training intensity would seem like the most sensible thing to do, it can expose you to burnout and injuries. Instead, structure your training program in such a way that your body is able to seamlessly transition back to its normal state while being sufficiently stimulated at the same time.
2. Adjust your workout frequency
When you are on steroids, your recovery time is shorter which leads to an increase in training frequency. However, once you are no longer on them, your body goes into a state of recovery which means you have to alter the number of sessions per week. Lowering the frequency allows the body more time to recover which is important if you are going to keep your gains.
3. Spice things up
Coming off steroids isn't fun. That is why post cycle therapy should be used to bring an element of normality to your body. Your training should then be focused on adding variety to your rep ranges. Have the right mix of low rep and high rep training a mixed rep range plays a great role in ensuring that you remain big and strong.
4. Maintain or increase your caloric intake
You can't expect to maintain your gain if you reduce your calories. Cutting out calories post cycle will only cause you to lose weight in the process. In fact, if you have to force feed, just do it. You can also choose to take non-hormonal supplements that your body reacts well to.
Whether you will be able to keep your gains after steroids or not will depend on the approach you take. Your body might take a while to adjust but with the right strategy, you can be able to cope. Of course, you still have to keep your food intake high and adjust your training. These tips should help you keep your gains.