These tips are surefire ways to get you through your freshman year!
1. Get in the habit of going to the library
It is so nice to get into this habit early on! Even though you might not be used to actually needing to study and set aside time to go to the library, if you start this habit early on, you will be happy you did!
2. Don’t bring too much stuff!
I know it feels like you need everything, but you really don't. I can't even express how much stuff I brought the first year that I didn't feel the need to bring back the second year.
3. Don’t go home too often in the first few weeks
People tend to use these weeks to make their first friends at college. If you're constantly home, don't be surprised when people leave you out.
4. Call your parents
Set a reminder on your phone if you have to! For the student, this transition is easier because everything is changing. For them, their life is the same—minus the big hole from you leaving! Find time (even just between classes) to call and check in.
5. Don’t go too hard on dining hall food
This food is what you're going to have for two years. Don't make yourself sick of a food place too quickly by going there every day for the first month of school because you don't feel like branching out and trying new things.