You're getting older, but so is your dog. It is inevitable. As sad as that fact is, there is a multitude of ways that will make things easier for an aging dog.
The first thing is the choice of food you are providing for your pal. There are many dog food brands to choose from, whether it's kibble or wet food but there are certain things that you should be aware of for each. Dog food brands are usually labeled for puppies, young adults, adults and/or elders. The recommended age for switching your dog food is usually printed somewhere on the bag, so be sure to keep that in mind while purchasing. If you notice your dog beginning to lose interest in their regular, dry food you might consider switching them to wet food, or integrating it into their diets. Wet food isn't as nutritionally valuable for younger puppies, most dog owners agree, but when an older dog begins losing some of their senses (smell, vision, etc.), you might find that switching them to wet food reintroduces that excitement for eating to them.
Something common in a lot of breeds is joint problems and arthritis. The best way to begin going about this is to talk to your trusted veterinarian and express your concerns about how you can assist in the aging process for your dog. In my experience, my veterinarian recommended chews that help reduce inflammation and by doing so it reduces pain for joints. We give her half of a chew each day like a treat. It is hard to know how your dog is feeling since they can't speak but look for signs such as trouble sitting or standing and keep an eye on how they carry themselves. No one knows your dog better than you, so you have to be the one to express your concern to the professionals.
Sometimes, when dogs age their fur gets more coarse and in turn they become less smooth and soft. To help maintain a soft coat for your furry friend, get fish oil capsules and break them over their food. It might be a little stinky for you, but you will be able to see and feel the results. In addition to that, fish oil is known for the omega-3 to help with arthritis pain relief and even a natural treatment for kidney disease. You are able to purchase a bottle for around $6.00 at Walmart.
My dog, Willow. Age 9.
If you feel like your older dog needs more stimulation in their life, try different games with them. When my dog was young, she tore her ACL in both of her back legs, so we spent a lot of time just playing simple games with her that stimulated her mind while she was restricted to limited movement. With an older dog, they may not like to run around as much, so more sophisticated games might be in order for them. There are many games you can look up online, but my dog's favorite one consisted of taking a cupcake pan and putting treats in a random variation of the holes, and then covering all of the toys in tennis balls to make her have to search for each treat. She particularly loves tennis balls as well as treats so it was a win-win for her.
The best and easiest thing you can do for your dog is to give them plenty of exercise. If you have a dog that likes playing fetch, they might tire more easily, so feel out when to start slowing down. They might prefer a simple walk around the block instead, but regular exercise will keep them healthy and happy.
As sad as it is to watch your dog get older, you want to be able to confidently say that you gave them the best life possible. Dogs are known to be one of the only species to love their owners as deeply as you love them, so make their lives great.