Two weeks after getting back to school from Spring Break and BAM! Scheduling for Fall Semester becomes available to students. If you are anything like me, then this is probably the last thought on your mind and you are now sitting here wondering, "How am I going to figure this out?"
Well, in this article there will be a list of tips on how to prepare and schedule for your next semester. Make this a fun and easy process, not a difficult and dreadful one.
Plan Ahead
If possible, try and look up your classes ahead of time so you can put together the schedule you want and not just a semester of classes thrown in wherever they fit. Planning ahead can make the process 100 times easier on the day of registration.
Keep Track of Classes
One of the worst things you can do is not keep track of what classes you have taken and wasting electives on classes you didn't need. To help with this problem, try using a spreadsheet or planning sheet to mark off what classes you have already taken and what categories you have completed. When you are done, keep this sheet in a folder or on your laptop because you will need it for next semester.
Talk to Your Advisor
Having someone to talk to while you pick classes for your next semester is key and your roommate isn't always able to tell you what classes to take. Talking to an advisor will help keep you on track with your projected graduation date and help you make some serious decisions. But remember, ultimately the decision is YOURS. This is your schedule.
Talking with Friends about Classes They Have Taken
Although a friend's advice isn't always the best answer to problems, sometimes asking about professors and classes can actually be useful. Talk with friends who know have taken a class you are thinking about and ask about it. Ask if the professor was nice or if the test were extremely difficult. Important questions that could impact your enjoyment of the class for the following semester.
Plan Classes Back to Back
A nap in the middle of the day might sound wonderful but the chances of you wanting to go to your next class are slim to none. Planning classes back to back allows you to get all of your work out of the way and then you can go back to the dorm to study or to relax. Trust me when I say this is the better option.
Mark Your Calendar for Registration Day
Having the date marked on your calendar allows you to properly prepare for when classes open. You do not want to be one of the last people to see that classes are open and get stuck with what is left available for the semester, especially if you are trying to take your major courses.
Understand It Doesn't Always Work Out
Planning classes can be stressful as it is but logging on to schedule classes and realizing it doesn't work out is even worse. Try writing down multiple times and sections for the classes you wanna take so you have multiple back-up plans when all goes south from your original plan.
Just remember, this is your schedule so you plan it the way you want it to go. And REMEMBER it is not the end of the world if your classes don't work out or you can't figure out which classes to take. There is always help available. Just don't be afraid to ask for it.