Study smarter not harder.
Don't spend hours and hours studying one subject until your brain is mush. Instead, make a study plan with breaks in between to give yourself a break so you don't overload your brain. Study one subject for an hour here with a break in between and then study for another hour of another subject and so on.
You're not a loser for attending review sessions.
Attend review sessions whether you think it makes you look like a loser or a nerd. Review sessions can be your key to doing well on your finals. They give you vital and key information of what will be on the test so you can study the right information instead of the entire textbook. You're not a loser if you attend them because you will be better off if you do so.
Do not procrastinate.
Procrastination is hell for all college students and we all do it. Don't procrastinate studying for finals because you will either inevitably fail or go insane. Get ahead on studying a while before finals instead of the night before. You wont stress as much and you will believe you will do better because you're not worried as much.
Get lots of sleep.
You can not run on 2 hours of sleep to take a 3 hour final. You may think you are superman and you can do it but you will fail. Get lots of sleep the night before the final so you are more focused and you don't end up falling asleep during it.
Eat breakfast beforehand.
Eat something for breakfast before your final. If you go in hungry your focus will be on your stomach instead of your exam. If you're like me and never eat breakfast, you will want to the morning of your final. Your focus will be on your exam instead of a nice juicy hamburger.
Make a study group.
Ask other people who are taking the final and make a study group. This way you can quiz each other and if you have questions you can ask the others in the group because they might have the same question you are wondering. Study groups are a great study technique.
Make studying fun.
Make studying into some type of game or some fun way. Studying doesn't have to be staring at a textbook or screen for six hours straight. Studying can be fun by making it into a game and this way your less stressed and it can be a helpful way to gain information better.