I've been battling a cold for the past few days now. As I've lain around my house suffering and sniffling, I've realized that others share my predicament. A lot of people have been getting sick lately, so I thought I'd write something that might help a few of those people:
1. Prevention.
The best way to deal with a cold is to not get one in the first place! Taking vitamins, washing your hands, and not eating other people's food will make sure you stay healthy. Things like stress levels and diet can also mess with your immune system and make you more susceptible to disease. There will most likely be times when you still get sick, but you'll get sick a lot less often if you are taking preventative measures.
2. Rest.
Take your time. Don't push yourself too hard. If you need to take a day off from work or school, then take it. What's been helpful for me is staying home and taking naps. You may have trouble sleeping at night if you're sick, so take some time to nap, if you can. We live in a busy world that isn't so forgiving on us if we take a break, but if you can, you should.
3. Nutrition.
I feel like I talk a lot about nutrition in my articles (maybe I should follow my own advice). It's because nutrition is so vital for your health, especially when you aren't healthy. Soup is a classic remedy for colds, and it's easy to see why when you have one! If you get a light soup, like chicken noodle, it'll be easier on your stomach if it's upset. Make sure it's got plenty of veggies in it. Soup is also easy to swallow if you have a sore throat. Be sure to drink plenty of water, too. You can add some lemon, lime, or other fruits if you want.
4. Medicine.
I don't usually take medicine when I have a cold, but if you need cold medicine, go ahead. (Just be sure not to stack medicines or take too much at a time. Medicine is great, but it can also be dangerous.) You can also find some Vitamin C tablets or powders. I've noticed a huge difference in how I feel and how long my cold lasts when I take Vitamin C.
5. Fresh air.
Even if you just step outside for a minute, getting some air and sunshine will boost your mood. If it's rainy and cold, feel free to forgo this tip for a bowl of soup and a warm blanket, but if it's a nice day, maybe sit on the porch and enjoy yourself. You can feel really cooped up, stuffy, and icky if you've been quarantined to your room all day.
6. Light exercise.
Even if you feel like death, a little exercise can help with your health. This isn't a great idea if you're practically bedridden, but if it's been a few days and you're feeling a little better, then take a light walk. Stretch your legs and get your blood pumping. You can combine this tip with the previous one, too. Just be gentle, though. If you're beginning to feel like it's too much, don't push yourself. Let this exercise simply be refreshing, not super challenging.
7. Get dressed.
When you've got a stuffy nose and cough, people will understand that you want to wear sweats. Feel free to! Getting dressed, though, can help boost your mood. I don't mean wear a dress and heels, but something as simple as wearing jeans instead of leggings can make you feel more put together and more human.
8. Clean everything.
Throw away your tissues and empty Vitamin C packets, wash your blankets and clothes, and spray everything with Lysol! Your living space has been a Petri dish for the past week. This is especially cathartic when you've just gotten over your cold. Open the windows and let some fresh air in. Enjoy the health you have longed for so desperately!
I hope these tips can help you feel a little better even if you feel like your head will pop with all of the congestion you have. Remember, colds don't last forever. Just hang in there!