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5 Tips For Bridesmaids Who want to "wow" their bride

How to be #BridesmaidGoals.

5 Tips For Bridesmaids Who want to "wow" their bride

So your friend or family member is getting married and she's asked you to be a bridesmaid. While being a bridesmaid for a first time is an exciting experience, it can be stressful too. From buying the dress to the rehearsal, there are a lot of responsibilities that come with being a bridesmaid, both financial and emotional. These five tips will help make the bridesmaid process easier, both for you and the bride, so that you all can enjoy the wedding.

Try to be supportive.


Remember that this is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) days of your friend's life. Weddings are extremely stressful especially for a bride, who has to plan out every detail of her special day. If your friend is acting demanding, nervous or panicked, reminding her that you're here for her and you care about her can work wonders. Remind her to breathe and help out with tasks related to the wedding if possible. Ticking some items off her to-do list will make the process easier for her and also help you get involved.

Get to know the other bridesmaids.

You will probably know some members of the bridal party, but others you may have never met before. Odds are, you wouldn't have crossed paths with the bride's second cousin who she shared a beach house with growing up before. Take the initiative by introducing yourself to the other bridesmaids and learning more about them. You all already have a strong friendship with the bride, so that's one thing you have in common. Even if the other bridesmaids don't become your new besties, planning the bachelorette party and other events will be easier if you communicate with each other.

Always be prepared.


You know the "mom friend", the girl in the friend group who always seems to be prepared for every situation? She's the girl you need to channel when you're a bridesmaid, so fill up your purse with snacks. Safety pins are also a helpful tool in case there's a last minute dress malfunction. You never know when you might end up saving the day.

Communication is key.


Make sure you know and understand the responsibilities that are expected of you as a bridesmaid. If you are financially unable to accept being a bridesmaid, let the bride know up front to see if you can reach a compromise or support her in some other way. Also if there is confusion leading up to the big day, like the time of the wedding rehearsal or where to find the items on the wedding registry, make sure to ask. It might also be a good idea to ask another one of the bridesmaids first to see if she knows, so that the bride isn't constantly being asked the same questions over and over. Creating a bridal party group chat could be helpful and ensure that everyone is included in the plans.

Have fun with it.


Remember that it is an honor to be a bridesmaid. You clearly mean a lot to the bride if she is asking you to stand beside her on her big day! Don't let the stress of the planning ruin the experience for you. Every once in a while, remember to step back, take a breath, and appreciate the moment. You are making special memories that you will remember for the rest of your life.

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