If you were born in the 90's era I'm sure you are well aware of the film Billy Madison starring everyone's favorite egghead, Adam Sandler. With school just right around the corner here are a few tips from Billy Madison to get you started in the new school year!
1. Always remember to bathe yourself.
2. Confidence is KEY.
3. Give everyone a clean slate this year and don't hold any grudges.
4. Staring is NOT polite.
5. Trends come and they go, you don't need to follow them all, my friends.
6. There is ALWAYS time for food.
7. Get motivated and get your a** out there with a positive attitude.
8. Everybody makes mistakes.
9. If you do take the bus around campus, be nice to the bus drivers. They put up with enough bullsh*t.
10. Don't be afraid to wear that red lipstick.
11. It is science that everyone dances better when they're drunk or so we think.
Now go out there and do some learning.