There are two types of people when traveling: flyers and drivers. Flyers would not be caught dead driving across the country for a vacation and instead opt for a quick flight that will land within the same day. Drivers, on the other hand, embrace the bustling highways that never seem to sleep, even at 3 in the morning. I, among the few others I know, am one of the drivers. I love driving when it comes to long road trips and have traveled by car for all but one spring break. Though the car ride may seem long from time to time, I've managed to come up with several do's and don't's when it comes to road trips.
Do bring activities for the ride
During my first college spring break, this was the one thing we forgot to pack: something to do. A deck of cards, magazines, a few movies, or even a coloring book can help pass the time. Not only does it make the drive seem much quicker than it truly is, but it also includes everyone in the car with the exception of the driver. Keeping busy also keeps the driver awake and alert, and it boosts the overall morale throughout the car. On the other hand, if you can't find a tangible activity, car games such as "Name That Tune" and "I Spy" will be just as efficient to keep the passengers occupied.
Don't make too many stops when they aren't necessary
By increasing the number of rest stops throughout the drive, the amount of time it takes to get to your destination will increase as well. This past week's road trip consisted of stops for gas as well as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The number of stops can add up quickly, so it is important to make sure that stops for gas, double for restroom breaks. Eating a hearty meal before getting on the road will double as energy for the drive and a filling meal to last until the hunger pangs hit.
Do pack snacks for the road
Snacks are a staple when it comes to long road trips. No matter the length of time spent in the car, I have always managed to pack an extra large bag filled with chips, granola bars, sweets, and crackers. The variety keeps a growling stomach at bay and will hold you over until a meal is simply necessary. Travel sized Chips Ahoy cups have been lifesavers when there was no exit off the highway for miles. Packing a cooler filled with water bottles is also an efficient idea to keep everyone hydrated while navigating the roads.
Don't get distracted when driving
One passenger is always named the navigator for this reason only. As the driver of the car, it is your responsibility to keep both your eyes and focus on the road, despite what may be happening on the shoulder ahead. The navigator, whose main role is to help find the way to the destination, also makes sure there are no upcoming blockades that would hinder the driving route. This is where the Waze app comes in handy. Though it may be easy to get distracted by the wrecked car or police lights flashing at a speeding driver, the problem at hand is the car you are in control of.
Taking a road trip, planned or unplanned, can lead to a multitude of unexpected memories that are guaranteed to last a lifetime. If you ever get the chance to take a long trip, I suggest you take a drive. You build relationships, trust, and experience that you will only benefit from. You can always hop a plane to get to your destination quicker, but taking the drive, though it may be long, is worth it. You get to see things when traveling from state to state that you would never see while up in the air.