As I am preparing for my last formal of college (sad girl vibes) I felt like I should make a master list of all the tips and tricks I have learned from four years of throwing pregames. Add these simple tricks and you will have people banging on your door wanting to join.
1. Invite Everyone To A Facebook Page
I always love making a Facebook page to invite everyone on that has the time and address, so people can find it in a central location. Plus, you can add some funny pics to get everyone hyped for the event.
2. Make A Killer Playlist
Here is an example of the playlist I will be listening to at our formal pregame.
Sophia Guerra
This is essential. You want a good blend of the newest hits and those sing-along throwbacks that everyone loves to belt out (think "I'm In Love With A Stripper" vibes). The next important thing after you have your amazing playlist is to have a speaker that has a pretty loud volume. Pro tip: we just got a speaker with a microphone attached to it and its seriously life changing.
3. Create A Fun Punch
Ever since my sign night, this punch (we call it our magic potion) has been a staple at every pregame we host.
Here's how to make it:
Two 2 liter bottles of Sprite
4 pink lemonade 4 lokos (or whatever flavor you like)
Vodka to taste
It's super magical because it tastes fruity and yummy and hides the taste of alcohol. Be careful though, this can make you really drunk quickly if you don't pace yourself.
4. Get Some Snacks To Munch On
No one really thinks to have snacks at a pregame, but if you have a little something on the counter to pick on, people will always gravitate towards it. My favorite combo is popcorn and M&Ms. We love a salty and sweet moment.
5. Clean Everything
It seems self-explanatory, but I'm super OCD, so I always wipe down all the countertops, sweep and clean the bathroom that everyone will be using. Also, make sure to take out all your trash so you have a fresh trashcan people can use.
6. Hide The Nice Stuff
Simple. Just put everything someone could break or get dirty in another room. Thankfully, we don't really have anything super nice in our apartment, so this step doesn't take too long.
7. Make A Photo Backdrop
Everyone loves when there is a specified wall for people to take photos. Add a cheap colored tablecloth to the barest wall in your apartment and you have a DIY backdrop. Extra points if you get a banner and some balloons. If you have a friend that has a nice camera, tell them to bring it. People die over a good Nikon. If not, a Lumee case is great for extra lighting purposes, plus, you will feel like a Kardashian.
Add these to any party you host and you are guaranteed a good time!