Was last semester rough? Did it not go the way as planned? If so, do not worry. A new semester is here and that means a new beginning. Last semester doesn't matter anymore. You must now focus on this new semester. So how can you make this semester better than your last? It may depend on your situation and what you struggled with, but here are some tips for making this new semester better than last!
1. Get your sleep
I know we're in college and we are all busy and sometimes you have to stay up late to get your work done or do the studying you need to. But as a senior about to graduate, I am telling you, get some sleep. Your brain needs to process the information from the day while you sleep, which is one reason why sleep is so important. But also, if you start going to bed at a regular time and wake up at around the same time every day, while also getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) you will be much more efficient. I cannot emphasize enough how important sleep is, so get some sleep.
2. Get organized
Organization can be an issue for some people. I'm not saying your room has to be perfectly organized 24/7, but having a cleaner space can help you focus more. Plus, you should organize your school materials and have a planner so that you don't forget a due date for a paper or you can prepare more for an exam. Planning your schedule is something you have to do sometimes in college, especially if you have a lot to do.
3. Don't stretch yourself too thin
It's very easy to say yes to things and get involved in a bunch of things, but it can be one of the worst things to do for yourself. Focus on school, an extracurricular activity, a job, and yourself. That's it. Don't try to do everything and let your mental or physical health, or your school, suffer because of it.
4. Take some time for yourself
College is a place of growth and finding yourself, so you need to take time for yourself. Go on a hike, watch a movie, do some shopping. Do whatever makes you happy. But also take time for self-reflection and growth. This is important for finding out more about yourself, but also a good way to relax.
5. Don't forget to have fun
While school is very important, take time to go to that basketball game or that concert. You need to go out and do something every once in a while, to let loose, otherwise, you might burn out. It's no fun when you're burnt out in the middle of the semester and have no motivation or the capacity to do your work. So have some fun.