The majority of your time is spent in your room, so it is always good to make it look better to want to actually live there. This is a bigger deal for college students because dorms become your living spaces and hang out areas. Here are just some ideas to help personalize your place to make it the coolest and most aesthetic place that everyone will want to visit.
1. Focus on the lighting in the room and find ways to make it interesting.
I have a lamp that looks like a Christmas tree, so you should find something unique and interesting depending on your personality. Hang some lights around the room, get some edgy desk lamps, or just do whatever you want to create a nice mood in the room at all times of the day.
2. Pictures are worth a thousand have a thousand around your room.
Memories are meant to be made and meant to be shared for others to see. Find different artistic ways to hang them up whether it be hung in frames, taped in a specific formation to make a bigger picture, or other visual ways you can think of. It is also popular and not expensive to take string and hang pictures on clothespins for a nice aesthetic.
3. Hang some wall art all over the place.
Whether you painted a canvas yourself or bought one at Target, hang them for people to look at. You can also buy movie or celebrity posters to hang because those always look good.
4. Find a color scheme that works best for you.
It could match your personality, or you can just buy things all in a color you like. My entire room is full of blush rose pink items because it is obviously my favorite color. Stick to only a few colors because you do not want it to get overcrowded and messy.
5. It is important to have coordinating furniture otherwise you will be tacky.
For example, if you buy a green and red plaid couch, do not go buy a blue leather footrest. Make it match as much as you can because your room will look rough if your colors are all vastly different. We are trying to make your room look good, so do not even think about buying some ugly furniture.
6. Add a mirror or two to make the room feel bigger.
Besides, you most likely will want to have an easy way to look at yourself when the bathroom is not directly there. It could be a small mirror or a full-length; it just depends how much you want to see.
7. Add some plants whether real or fake because those are super cute.
You never can have too many cacti or succulents around the room. All you have to do is make sure to take care of any real plants you do get because they need water and sunlight occasionally. If that seems like too much of a responsibility, just invest in a bunch of fake plants because they are still
8. Hang some edgy shelves with decorations on them.
You could put candles, geometric shapes, plants, books, picture frames, or anything you want to hang. It creates a nice modern touch to any room. Just make sure each shelf is not to heavy to hang because that can be a struggle sometimes.
9. Spice up your couch or bed with some throw pillows.
They may seem to have no function, but they do create a nice full look in the room. You can buy literally any kind of pillow to match your color scheme or theme in the room. Do not go super overboard and buy like nine pillows, but a couple of them will not hurt you or your room's look.
10. Consider a rug to bring the whole picture together.
It can be fluffy or thin carpet, but it should be comfortable to sit on or to look at. This will make people want to come over more because it will most likely be better than just sitting on the regular floor. It also makes your entire aesthetic look good in the end.
Take these tips and apply them to your own room to make things a bit more interesting. Let your friends know when the finished product is ready to look at because they will want to see what you have done with the place. Make sure you do not disappoint them! Good luck decorating!