Mental health issues affect the daily lives of children and adults everywhere but not everyone knows how to cope with them. Not everyone understands what it is like to experience a mental health illness.
If you are someone who often gets discouraged when dealing with mental health issues here are a few things to remember.
1. You are not alone.
It may seem as if you are alone now but you are loved. Do not isolate yourself from those who care talk to someone about how you feel, accept the love that you deserve.
2. It is not your fault.
There is nothing wrong with you. No not everyone is going through the same things you are but that only makes you unique. You are fighting a battle with yourself but you are still winning.
3. It is okay to take a day for yourself.
Don’t feel bad if you don’t feel up to going out with friends. If you need a day to rest they’ll understand. Everyone needs mental health days.
4. Your mental illness does not define you.
You are not your situation. You have more amazing qualities to you that your mental health could never cover up.
5. Mental health conditions are real.
This is not something that is all in your head. You are not crazy, do not allow people to treat you that way.
6. How you feel is valid.
Your feelings should never have to be the “norm.” How you feel each and every day is important and should be heard.
7. You are allowed to make mistakes.
No one is perfect and you should not expect yourself to be. Do not be too hard on yourself.
8. You have a purpose here.
You were put on this earth to do great things for yourself and others. You were beautifully and wonderfully made to be a blessing to all of those that you encounter. Your story is not over yet.