College move-in day is around the corner at every university across the country. In my opinion, it is the best day of the year. Freshmen are coming to college for a fresh start, new friends and to begin the rest of their lives. Sophomores are excited to see all of their friends and finally move out of the dorms. Juniors are finally upperclassmen and have internships in their future. Seniors are loving life. This is the last year of homework and of their childhood. Next stop, officially being an adult.
For the freshman out there, don't be scared, this will be the best year of your life. One hundred times better than high school. Here are three tips to get you moved in and ready for the school year to begin.
1) Don't overpack.
As much as you're going to want to bring every article of clothing and book that you own, don't. You are stuck in a shoe box, with another person. My advice to you is to make sure you pack smart. Bring all of your favorite clothes, the ones you can mix and match. For shoes, you only need a few pairs. Realistically, you will wear the same pair just about everyday. Your life is on your computer so you don't need to bring books or movies because you can get that all on your computer. That extra space can be used for more clothes.
2) Give your parents a break.
As annoying as your parents may seem as they help you move in, they're just trying to make the process as smooth as possible for you, so let them help. When they want to load you up on shampoo and paper towels, take them up on that offer because it will save you a trip to the store in a month. Once you say goodbye to them after everything has a home in your dorm, that may be the last time you see them in a a few months so don't forget to give them a hug and kiss goodbye.
3) Be a social butterfly.
The first week of school will be the most social week of your life. Everyone will be in the same boat as you. Nobody will know anyone, and that is just the way it should be. This gives you the opportunity to meet everyone you can. The day that I moved in to my dorm, my roommate and I went and knocked on every door on the hall and introduced ourselves. By doing this, we met five other girls and all became best friends. Friends you meet in the dorm will be great friends all through college so make sure to take full advantage of the opportunity.
College will be the best four years of your life. Make sure to have fun, study, and most importantly, meet lifelong friends. Good luck on your first week of school and have fun in the dorms.