Writing college essays can be a huge pain. There's the huge headache of choosing a good topic for you to write about and then the part of trying to make it creative while also trying to make it unique to you. But, don't fear! Here are 8 tricks to help ace your college essay with minimal stress as possible!
1. Think about what sets you apart the MOST.
Everyone has their own unique thing that's special to them. It might take a while to figure out what that is for yourself, but it's there, I promise!
2. You can turn ANYTHING into an essay if you put effort.
You can literally turn anything you want into an essay as long as you meet all of the prompt's requirements. You just have to be creative!
3. Edit, edit, edit!
Editing is so important because what might seem grammatically correct to you might not actually be right. If something doesn't make sense in your essay, only an outsider who reads it would be able to give you that kind of feedback because it might only make sense to you.
4. Approach your essay in a creative way.
Being extremely creative is the key to success on this essay. Colleges want to see you think outside of the box and use different styles of writing and how that shows your personality. It's hard to do, but with the right amount of thinking, it can be done.
5. Rhetorical strategies
Using the many rhetorical strategies that you learn starting from a young age come into great clutch with this. It's important to make you story feel like it's actually happening right then and there and to add all of the effects.
6. Start EARLY!
Starting early is only going to help you stay on top of things so you're not trying to write all of your essays last minute. That's way too stressful and you definitely don't want to put yourself through that. Starting early could also help you with brainstorming and seeing what topic is best suited for you.
7. Make sure to answer the prompt.
A huge thing is actually answering the prompt. Sometimes it's easy to get lost in writing and lose track of what you're supposed to be writing that you don't even end up answering the prompt in your essay within the word count.
8. Keep an eye on the word count.
Word count will always be there in the back of your head to help you know where to end your essay. But it can also be a pain when you have so much left to say but can't because you reached the maximum number of words. This is why it's so important to always keep in mind the word count of your essay.