As college students, we all know how stressful registration can be. Whether you're a sophomore trying to avoid 8AM classes or bad professors, or a senior just trying to get into the remaining classes you need to graduate, trying to plan your schedule can be extremely difficult. With many classes only having a limited amount of sections, and limited amount of seats within each section, it can be even more stressful when the classes you need fill up. However, registration is not the end of the world and there are many tips to help you get that perfect class schedule.
1. Don't wait until the last minute to meet with your adviser
When you first get the e-mail that advisement has begun, it may feel like you have plenty of time to sign up to meet with your adviser. However, that date will creep up on you faster than you think, and then you'll be left scrambling at the last minute to get your classes approved. Make an appointment with your adviser as soon as possible!
2. Unless you absolutely have to, don't take 8AMs if you know you're not a morning person
Somehow every semester I think I can handle an 8AM class, and it never works out. I'm half asleep and can never focus. It's one thing to take one or two 8AMS if it's a required class, but if it's just an elective or you want to be with your friends, try and avoid it. It will save you so much unnecessary stress.
3. Do research on your professors
No one likes getting stuck with a bad professor; it can truly make or break your experience in the class. Look up your professors online or ask around to find out if other students have taken him or her before.
4. Don't assume a class is easy just because the description sounds interesting
A class may look easy from the description in the course catalog, but it could end up being much more difficult. Try and find out from other students to see if they've taken the class before and what their opinions were.
5. Try not to schedule all of your classes in the same day
While it may be tempting to get all of your classes over with in one or two days, I would not recommend doing this. All this does is leave you super stressed half of the week, and then on your days off you will end up exhausted and unmotivated to do any work. Try scheduling two or three classes for each day to keep yourself balanced.
6. Don't overwork yourself
Yes it's nice to get all of the hard classes out of the way, but give yourself a break. Allow yourself at least one "Easy A" class. That doesn't mean take all easy classes, but you do deserve a little less stress.
7. No matter how full a class is, put yourself on the wait list
Many students believe that if the wait list for a class is too long, there is no point putting yourself on it since there is no chance of getting in. Do it anyway!! Many times if advisers see that there is a high demand for a class or a professor, they will add another section or increase the number of seats in the class.
8. At the end of the day, it's not the end of the world
So you got stuck with that professor who is all over the place, or that really easy elective you wanted to take filled up. It's not the end of the world. You could always put yourself on the wait list or take the class next semester. At the end of the day, everything will work out and you will eventually get into all of the classes you need to graduate. Very rarely do students not graduate on time because of registration issues.