I’ve passed myself multiple times with every morning’s tedious routine done in front of mirrors. With every shop glass with display of a passing pale face and brief moments of insanity when my thoughts take over my entire mind. Moments when I try to remind myself of my own face when I can’t see it.
When I can feel my pupils dilate at the mention of the things I love and my indiscretion at wanting to share these with others. A zealous little thing lost in such a big world. Yet I know nothing of myself but the things I dislike and the way people address me. I have yet to give that face that wakes up at 3:00 a.m. every day and covers her flaws in front of a stained mirror a meaning. I have yet to understand how the meaning you give your soul will be reflected in an outer appearance and demeanor. Most of us find it difficult to get to know ourselves, even when getting to know others becomes an easy task. We get too caught up in a society that runs on caffeine to understand the importance of being your soul’s own companion. And yes, if it were an easy task we’d all be doing it. If you ever wondered where to begin here’s how.
Leave fear behind.
Don’t be afraid to spend time alone. It is one of the most therapeutic things I believe exist. Take yourself out to things you love. Museums, coffee shops, concerts, or libraries. The more public the better. With caution, of course.
Give yourself space
Healing begins the moment you let yourself feel. Whether it's grief, joy, sadness, give yourself the safe space to feel these without repressing or regretting anything, just let the pure emotion gush out of you.
Give the universe space
One crucial thing to understand about the world is that even though the cause and effect phenomenon is real, it is not bound to every situation. Not everything happens for a reason, some things just are and the universe can be very indifferent.
You’re not weak
Understand that emotion does not make you weak. Never let anyone tell you this, not even yourself.
Make memories
Ever heard of the brief moments of consciousness a brain has before death? And how they are filled with memories? Go and make memories you will find joy in remembering, this is most of what matters in life.
Transform the mundane
There are a number of ways you can do this:
-Buy yourself flowers or plants. It's good to surround yourself with life.
-Bring your favorite scents home with you.
-Transform your room into a therapeutic space.
-Make yourself tea often.
-Find a book you don’t have to commit to.
-Find something you’ve always been curious about it and try it.
-Bake something new and give it away.
-Be spontaneous instead of plan making.
-Always say yes to adventure.
-And document everyday life. It’ll instantly become more beautiful. Promise.