8. It's a 3 day festival, you don't need 10 outfits (especially offensive ones). | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things You Better Know Before Frolicking Your Way To Coachella This Year

"Where's the bathroom?" - Literally everyone at Coachella

10 Things You Better Know Before Frolicking Your Way To Coachella This Year
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The hype over Coachella is understandable. It's one of the most memorable weekends of the year. The anticipation is real and the countdown to Weekend 1 is long awaited. Finally, it's here and 2019 is sure to bring in some wild performances and shows.

Many people make this an annual event. Last year was my first time attending, and I didn't know what to expect. I had an idea, but REALLY, you don't know what you're getting yourself into unless you go and experience it for yourself. Still, one can prepare themselves best they can and with that said, be aware of these 10 things before traveling into the hot as hell desert for your wild weekend.

1. If you're thinking of camping...DON'T.


I can truthfully say, I didn't shower for 4 days. There are showers for camping, but be prepared to wait for hours. Also, if your Coachella neighbors haven't woken you up by 6 am with their game of beer pong, the sun will be your alarm clock because your tent is so hot it's unbearable. Also, setting up camp in the dead of night is rough.

2. Maybe don't try NEW drugs in the dessert in 100 degree weather.


Stick to what you know. There's plenty of time to experiment when you're back home. Don't ruin a good show by ending up at Coachella's ER.

3. The dust is no joke.


It's not as glamorous as celebrities make it seem. Also, the grass is gone by weekend 2 and is replaced by straight up dirt.

4. Sunset is the best time of the day because the temperature is finally bearable.


With that said, bring sunscreen and water! Also a hat and some sunnies. Find a shady tree and stay there.

5. If you see someone famous, leave them alone.


They don't want to talk to you, let alone take a picture with you. Enjoy the music, that's what you paid all that money for.

6. Security is chill, just don't be foolish.


Pretty self explanatory. Be smart about it all.

7. Bring PAINKILLERS, like a lot of them.


Or earphones, either one because your head might be pounding by the end of the night. You won't regret this one.

8. It's a 3 day festival, you don't need 10 outfits (especially offensive ones).


I made this mistake. Everyone wants to change their outfit, yeah ok...there's nowhere to put your extra sh*t. Just save your extra outfits for photos and leave them at the hotel/campsite. Also, and this is MAJOR, wear comfy shoes. Your feet will be dead by the end of day 1.

9. Be prepared to get lost.


There were 9 of us total, and somehow I managed to lose every single one of them repeatedly throughout the festival. There are thousands of people which means your phone will likely not work well. BUDDY SYSTEM, BUDDY SYSTEM, BUDDY SYSTEM!!!

10. If you like documenting everything you do, bring at least 2 portable chargers.


They're heavy, but they're essential. Who wants to go to Coachella and come back with few saved memories documented because their phone died on day 2?

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