The summer is fading and the school year has officially begun. A lot of college students have a hard time balancing school, work, and a social life. Yes, this is a very difficult thing to learn, especially if you're a freshman. It is very easy to get caught up in the party scene and neglect your school work. I have also seen the opposite where students get caught up in their school work and never leave the library. The key to balancing all of the aspects of college is simply to prioritize. I like to think that I have mastered the art of prioritizing throughout college since I have three jobs, go to school full time, go out with my friends, and maintain an excellent GPA.
1. Get an agenda, and use it.
Write down EVERYTHING you have to do that day/week/month and cross things off as you complete them. I allot time for everything I need to do and plan out my day that way.
2. Make sure your employers know that school comes first.
If you're like me and have to work through college to provide for yourself, make sure that you let your supervisors know your schedule and when you can and cannot work. Don't be afraid to decline if they ask you to pick up extra hours on the night before an exam, school is always your first priority.
3. It is OK to let loose and have fun.
If you have completed all of your homework and you have the option to go out, GO! Do not feel guilty about this. It's part of the college experience. Go out and have fun, but remember to set an alarm to wake up for class the next day! ;)
By keeping all of these things in mind when it comes to balancing school, work, and a social life you should have no problem enjoying college life to the fullest. The key to success in college is prioritizing school work first, making sure you have enough money to feed yourself, and having fun while in school. These are the best four years of your life. Make the most of them!