Moving away from home and living on-campus is both exciting and nerve-racking and, if done without preparing, can be a nightmare. Now that I’m going into my sophomore year and living on campus once again, I am prepared and know what to expect.
First of all, there are a few things you need to do before you even begin to take the trip to your new home and move in.
Do not overpack.
If you’re a freshman, this is inevitable and you’re going to overpack either way, but try your hardest. Keep in mind that when move out day comes, you’re going to have to pack up everything you brought plus everything you bought while you were there. You do not need every single piece of clothing you own!
Lists! Lists! Lists!
Make a list of everything you already have to pack and the things you need to buy - cleaning products, eating utensils, laundry bag, etc. Do some research and figure out what stores are near you and make a list of what you can buy at those stores in order to reduce the load of boxes and bags you’re going to have to shove into your car. If you can buy it later, save it for later!
Find out where you need to be.
If you’re going to be living on campus, before you even step foot in your dorm, you have to check in. Check in consists of signing some final forms and agreements and getting your room key, of course. You may need to walk to a separate building to do this or go to a certain floor. Also, there will most likely be designated areas for people to park and certain parking permits you need to be able to unload all of your belongings. Whatever it is you need to do, make sure you know ahead of time. This will make the process go a lot smoother for everyone.
Now that you’re all ready to go, there are a few things you need to keep in mind for when you actually get there.
Unload and move along.
Remember that you are not the only student moving in. There are hundreds of other people trying to get in and out of the same building as you and stress levels are high. When moving all of your boxes in, do not worry about where you are putting things or start unboxing until everything is out of the car and in your room. All you need to worry about, if you have roommates, is that you are not hogging the entire room with all your boxes. First impressions are important! The faster you can move your car so someone else can start unloading too, the better.
Try to be organized
If you have family helping you to move in, it can get really hectic really fast. Open a box at a time, once you know everything that’s in it, assign a place for all of it and then begin to unpack. The worst thing is everyone yelling at you and asking where you want certain things while you are trying to figure out where to put certain items yourself.
Keep track of time
In all the excitement of moving, time can go by pretty fast. If you’re planning on buying some last minute things, find out what time stores close. You may even realize you totally skipped lunch! Set aside times to go eat; it’s also a good excuse to get away from the craziness in the dorms and relax for a bit.
I remember moving in my freshman year and all that was going through my mind was “wow, this is really happening.” There were a few ups and downs, but now I am ready for whatever the day brings. If this is your first time moving into a dorm, don’t hesitate to ask questions to the people in charge if you’re lost. I can guarantee you’re not the only one. Try to get everything done and get settled in within the first day or two. You’re going to want some time after to relax and get to know the campus a bit better before classes start.