Finals are coming up and you could use some tips, right? Maybe you need to save your grade on that final exam, project, paper, what have you. Maybe you need to manage your time in order to study and work. Maybe you need to destress from it all. Whatever you need, these tips should help.
1. Study
Yeah, this may seem like a no-brainer but, do it. Just do it. I know you want to watch YouTube all day and say "I can study later" or "I have enough time". You don't have enough time because it will all wrong out when you go down the Internet rabbit hole.
2. Time management
You have a week or two before finals start. Slot some time for studying. By some I mean a lot. This is the time of the year you hop in your study bunker and get to work. If you have a job or other things to do outside of class, make sure to take them into account and decide what you can do in between those mandatory events. You don't have to do everything in a day, hopefully. You have to decide. Make smart choices.
3. It's OK to take a break
After six hours of writing papers or working on a project, you start to lose your mind. Give yourself a little bit of a break every once in a while. Just make sure that those breaks aren't longer than the time you spend on your work. Make sure to set goals for yourself, whether it be a page for a paper or some other milestone you can reach before take a break. You can listen to some music or watch some videos. Talk to a friend or read a book you want to read. There are also 'destress events' on campuses now to help relax, so try to find those. Pet a dog, get a massage, or hit a punching bag. Whatever it is, just take a break.
4. Give up
There is always the option of giving up. Just tear out your hair, flip a table, and drink your problems away. Just let it go. Who needs to go to school? Just donate blood and plasma for $50 a month, who cares? Just run away from finals. Just run as far away as you can. Escape that final exam. You can lie to your parents that you're still in school; go ahead, drop out. There's nothing to worry about (Disclaimer: Avoidance of your problems is a bad idea).
5. Preparedness
Remember that you are only going to be as successful as your investment. Your time and effort will make all the difference. You should only be afraid of your final if you haven't worked for it. When you work hard and study hard for your final you will reap the benefits or your labor. You can do it. You were accepted into your school, you can do it. You are more capable than you realize.