If you work with kids everyday you'll know that not only are they sticky, loud and sometimes a little smelly, but they also have the biggest hearts and personalities there ever were.
Working at a preschool I see all different types of kids; some tall, some short, some sensitive, some tough, etc. One thing in common with all these kids though is the impact they've made on my life.
I'm obviously not their mother, sister, or related to them in any way, but they confide in me. I wipe their noses, coddle them when they cry, tickle them to make them laugh and see the look of excitement on their faces when they accomplish something great. The love they show me on a daily basis is one of the best feeling I've ever experienced. They make me feel important and appreciated. I'll never get tired of showing up to work and hearing their little voices excitedly shout my name. Their big hugs and little faces will always make my day.
It's funny how just a few months ago I was nobody to them, and today I'm so much. Don't get me wrong, there are days I want to rip my hair out in frustration. Believe me, those days come more often than not, but when I see a little smiling face running my way with open arms or I hear a tiny voice say "you're the best" I remember that it's all worth it. Every teeth-clenching, hair-pulling, scream worthy moment is outweighed by the smiles, laughs, accomplishments, and hugs.
So if you work with little ones, you're lucky for many reasons.
For starters, there are at least 20 people who look up to you (literally and figuratively). You are guaranteed to laugh everyday, you are potentially shaping the future and you get a whole lot of love.
So next time little Johnny acts up and you're ready to lose your mind, remember that even though it may not seem so, he values you.
It is definitely not easy, and not everyone understands what child caretakers do and go through. The worst part is that in a few years they won't remember me, but I'll have 50 tiny hand prints on my heart for a lifetime.
To the average joe this may all seem sappy and dramatic, but to those fellow caretakers you know what I'm talking about. Kids pull on our heartstrings and change our lives. I'm lucky to have met such incredible little people who left such a big impression on me.