Have you ever had a baby cousin or brother and sister that was always confident in want they wanted to do? It’s always good to hear the hopes and dreams of children because they’re always so big and you hope to God they achieve it one day. But, have you also had problems with that child? The kinds where you start to doubt and wonder if these kids will make it in this big world? Maybe they’re too bratty. They’ll grow out of it you’ll say. Maybe they’re just a bit to self-centered. Their just kids. It comes with youth is another thing you may think. But they may also be just a bit too confident in their work. It’s not a terrible thing for them to say they’ll achieve their goals but when children suddenly don’t get over ‘not winning’ or when they do win they act high and mighty then there’s a problem. The likelihood that they will get over this centered frame of mind is pretty high actually. Many kids grow out of this faze knowing, in the end, that that is not how people should act. Well, unfortunately, some kids don’t. They’ll grow up being these angry, horrible, decrepit people that can’t seem to look beyond themselves or will blame others for their misfortunes, even though it’s clearly their fault. Take our president for instance.
There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your work. Nothing feels better than getting a project done. But its best to not boast about it. You could come off as rude. Don’t tell that to Donny though. His ego may break and he’ll have to send out a flurry of 140 character posts on Twitter. Best not get on his bad side or he’ll talk down to you or post false claims. For instance, the most famous of his latest tweets say “How low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!” This is quite the claim! Any proof to back this up would be a great addition to the tweet but, as said before, the man can only type at 140 characters a post so we’re left with little information on the subject. However, Trump is, or should I say was, a business man. This is how he works on a daily basis, quick short shots of baseless information to get the person’s eye. If you want to get any more material then you must do the research yourself. A brief Google search revels the tweet was based off a New York Times article “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides”. Nowhere in the paper does it say Obama wiretapped trump. It’s almost as if he skimmed through the account, or only looked at the title then decided to talk about it as if he knew what he was saying. This isn’t the only insolent tweet he’s posted. He’s remarked on celebrates, talked bad about reputable companies, and made personal jabs at his own citizens, all to the public.
Not only does he target people who don’t deserve his ridicule but he’s also made some promises that are less than ethical. As many people know Trump wants to build a wall on the borders between the United States and Mexico. The accusations he makes against the Mexican people are that they cause problems for his citizens because they come into the USA illegally and cause crime. The truth of the matter is that first generation immigrants don’t actually cause more crime than USA citizens. In reality, it’s the native-born people that cause more crime, and I’m not talking about Native Americans I mean people who were born in the United States. So yes, that does mean that children of immigrants are in this but doesn’t mean they are the only cause for crime. His fears have no merits. They are founded upon old thoughts that never worked and will never work. You know who also has fears don’t make sense? Children.
Now, I’m not saying he can’t have opinions. He can say whatever he wants. After all he is running a country where that is the first amendment. But I think as president he should have more restraint. A man with such power shouldn’t be going around making false accusations unless he wants opposition, which there is plenty of for the man. I will say this. He has not done everything he said he was going to do. Somethings were thrown away. Still, in my own opinion, not enough was thrown away. Maybe his bigoted point of views and if that can’t be changed then please take away his twitter. Maybe someone should go back in time and teach the man some manners.
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It