Sometimes Tinder accounts are made solely for the sake of hooking up. Other times Tinder accounts are made to help cope with loneliness or extend one’s social network. No matter what the intentions are for creating a Tinder account, the outcomes always vary, and here are three Tinder stories that reflect that:
Tinder story leads to love…
“At first I was ashamed of using Tinder because of its connotation of being the hook up app. Yeah, I admit that I did use it for the casual ménage a trois, but I jumped on this thing after being in a four-year relationship that had horribly gone south. It was a faster way of meeting people and, honestly, I enjoyed the confidence boost; knowing I attracted a guy enough so he would 'swipe right' on me. Also, I'm a social butterfly and just enjoy casual conversation, so I used it for that too. Eventually, I started to even take advantage and just go on dates for free dinners. How horrible of me, right? But if guys want 'free sex,' what's wrong with a 'free dinner?' Not meaning I slept with every guy who bought me a meal. Oh my god, now I sound awful. But every first encounter was unique. I would always set up to meet in a public space and was thankfully never cat-fished. The funny thing is when I met Paul he was the only one I was so whatever about but look what we grew into.
If I could thank Tinder I would thank it for letting me find the love of my life--of course and allowing me to realize what I do and do not like in a guy. I'm more of a serious relationship type person, so I didn't just want to casually date anyone, which is ironic since I'm on this casual dating app. But it allowed me to "speed date" and find a guy with all the qualities I was looking for. Because nowadays, dating organically is just so hard, so I would much rather set myself up on a not so blind, blind date.” --Sandy
Tinder story leads to friendship…
“For a while, I kept going back to my ex, who was only causing me pain, and that was when my best friend made me a Tinder account. I was so nervous and shy about having a Tinder account, but then I started to get matches, and I must admit it felt good. Out of all the matches, there was only one person that I actually had a good conversation with. It started with messaging each other on Tinder, and then we exchanged numbers and began texting each other constantly. We then added each other on Snap chat, which gave me a glance of what he was like—his personality, his voice, his smile and way of being. Finally, we set a date to meet in person. He was going to meet my friends and I at a movie theater—my friends there to protect me in case he was a psycho. It was great, and since then I’ve created so many memories with him.
If I could thank Tinder, I would thank it for giving me the opportunity to meet such a hilarious, kind, good-hearted individual. We might not have known each other for such a long time, but I care for him and will always appreciate the friendship we have.” --Anonymous
Tinder story leads to fun...
“Thought I’d hit him with that J Cole...
If I could thank tinder for something, it would be for making my days a little more amusing and less boring.” --Anonymous