17 Tinder Profiles I'm 100% NOT Swiping Right On | The Odyssey Online
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17 Tinder Profiles I'm 100% NOT Swiping Right On

As if Tinder wasn't cringe-worthy enough already.

17 Tinder Profiles I'm 100% NOT Swiping Right On
Morgan Essen

We all have our own opinions on online dating and each opinion is valid. The opinions on online dating are not the main problem its the dating profiles that have been created.

Below are 17 profiles that I would never swipe right on.

1. The hunter

Congratulations! You killed an innocent animal. Nothing is sexier than a dead deer head with its tongue spilling sloppily out of its mouth. Your profile is the first impression you give people. If you have a picture of you and a dead animal, we begin to associate you with the dead animal.

2. The guess who

The one with just group photos. Which one are you? Its like the Russian roulette of dating apps.

3. The GUN owner

Yes, America the home of the free. You can show off your multiple guns hoping to attract the "right" woman.

Owning a gun is not a personality trait — In fact, if it is, it's not a good one. Now no matter where you stand politically there's no need to make sure random women know that you are a gun owner.

4. The no-shoes, no-shirt, problem

Yes, the shirtless — usually headless — mirror photos where your hand is on your crotch and you are flexing so hard you could pop a vein.

5. The gym junkie 

We get it, bro, you lift. But does every picture need to be proof? The correct answer is no. To be honest it doesn't matter anyways because we all know you skip leg day.

6.The life of the party

Drinking alcohol is also not a personality trait. there is nothing wrong with going out and having fun. One picture of you out is fine; however, when it's in EVERY SINGLE photo, it brings to question if you are an alcoholic or if you do anything else other then partying. There is more to you as a person than just drinking.

7. The meme

This is where the entire profile is covered with memes and ironic phrases. The only vibe I get from this is that you think you are funny but you aren't — and that you possibly don't exist.

8. The father

Is that your kid or nah?

 9. The John Cena (aka the camo-wearer)

I can't see you? Did you mean to upload this empty picture?

10. The artist 

Beautiful photos, inspirational quotes, but nothing more. although this may look good on a screen, what happens when people meet you in real life? Do you have hobbies, a job, or a personality?

11. The animal 

I love animals. One picture of your pet is fine and is more likely to get a right swipe. However, when the only photos on your profile is your dog and nothing of you, there's a problem. I'm not trying to adopt a pet, I'm trying to get to know you. although your pet is a big plus it shouldn't be the main focus.

12. The model 

It's probably a catfish. the profile with edited photos of buff men on the beach that could be from a magazine that scream, "I'm not real!" If you are real, why do you need tinder in the first place? You are a model.

13. The mechanic 

The guy who only has photos of cars and occasionally him in a car. Does he actually know anything about cars? Maybe. Does he think he's in the Fast and Furious franchise? Absolutely.

14. The sister

Who is that woman in all your pictures? Your sister, your cousin, your girlfriend, your friend I shouldn't worry about? No one like cheaters and I don't plan on getting with a man in a relationship.

15. The 40-year-old virgin

The profile of a 40-something-year-old man who claims to be younger to attract young women. We all know are not in your twenties. It's not cute, it's creepy. As Ke$ha would put it, you are a D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R.

16. The soldier

I'm not trying to get engaged in three weeks only to have you jump out of a box every time you come home.

17. The man in black

The business major who only wear suits. We get it your dad is a lawyer, find someone else to do business with.

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