Every girl has a role model in her life that she couldn't simply live without. Some admire Beyoncé, Jaclyn Hill, or even Jennifer Lawrence. We aspire to be just like these women in not only what they do for others, but also how they simply carry themselves. There is one young woman, who I think we can all agree, possess all the qualities that we wish to have within ourselves.
My role model is Tina Belcher, and here are 13 prime reasons as to why.
1. She keeps it real
If you're about to have a crap attack, Tina Belcher is not afraid to tell you to chill out!
2. She encourages others!
Tina encourages her fellow women and will never let them fail if she can help it!
3. She’s got a style that’s all her own
She is beauty, she is grace.
4. She doesn't like to take sides
Even though your best friend always has your back, Tina won't betray anyone she loves and therefore won't take a side! What a woman.
5. She isn't afraid to be herself
Tina is a beauty icon as we all know. She will never settle for anything but perfect when it comes to her appearance!
6. She always looks her best and nothing less
Tina doesn't only serve burgers... she serves looks.
7. She has a photographic butt memory
Need I say anything else?
8. She knows how to get a man
We all get embarrassed dancing at bars, but not Tina! Granted she is in 8th grade, Tina shows what she knows and doesn't care who sees it.
9. She dances like no one's watching
Tina loves to dance and she doesn't care who sees.
10. She has such strong dedication…to butts that is
What can't this girl dedicate her life to??
11. She believes in herself
Tina loves and believes in herself and never lets it get in the way of what she wants!
12. She knows when to be modest
A self-determined, beautiful, and fashionable woman like Tina needs to know when to be modest, and she does! Although she has all the tools to play God, she knows she must refrain. Again, what a woman.
13. She puts her bra on one boob at a time just like the rest of us
Although Tina lives a fabulous life full of butts, burgers, and boys, she wants us to all know that she's just like us. We can only hope to be partially as wonderful as Tina Belcher.