Relationships are a fickle thing. Throughout your teen and adult years, you're going to have different phases of life where you don't desire a commitment with one specific person. I am all for running free and doing your thing, and I am the last person to encourage anyone to settle or be dependent on another!
Unfortunately, meeting someone that could change your life doesn't always come at a "convenient" time. But what is convenient, really? When you're less busy? When you have more money? When you've been on your own for awhile, and the sting of the last heartbreak has evaporated?
Let me tell you, if the day comes for you that you are comfortable financially, don't have much to do and are completely over every hurt you've endured, all at once, then you are some kind of superhuman. When does life really slow down? Let's be real here, do we get 100 percent over every single heartache in our lives? Point being, we always have something going on in our lives that make the prospect of a relationship sound overwhelming. But we should remember that the RIGHT relationship isn't supposed to overwhelm you. It's not meant to complicate your life, it's meant to enhance it! Your partner is supposed to be that support system and shoulder you lean on when the other parts of life are rocky.
I am learning that saying "it's just not the right time" 99 percent of the time is an excuse. Maybe it's to cover up a lack of interest, or a legitimate fear that potential boo is a first-class creeper. Sadly, what I think is more common is the fear of a good thing. God forbid, FEELINGS! The horror! Because what if it actually is a really good thing, the best damn thing that ever happens to you? Truthfully, we need to be less afraid of having it and more afraid of missing out on it.
Yes, unfortunately sometimes there are phases in life where we just don't have room to add a partner. But whether you realize it or not, meeting somebody that starts a fire in your soul sometimes happens right when you need it to.