Let's face it. Today's culture has made just about everybody's attention spans shorter. Things like online shopping and fast food have conditioned people to expect instant gratification. Still, having ADHD is much more complex than just getting distracted every once in awhile. Here are 25 times you were reminded that you have adult ADHD:
1. You lost 10 pounds when you started taking your medicine.
And it happened so fast.
2. Then you gained it all back when you trained yourself to have an appetite at the right time of day.
People start to worry when you don't eat.
3. You probably already lost your keys once today.
Sometimes you go days with only your spare keys.
4. You're wondering where they are right now.
I'll bet you they aren't on the hook.
5. But you aren't worried when you lose things because it happens so often.
You know it's around somewhere.
6. Your room is probably a mess, and if it's not, then your car is.
And you're always apologizing for it.
7. You can tell when your medicine kicks in because you want to start organizing and cleaning.
And making lists.
8. Random things pop into your head all the time.
I just thought about J.D. Salinger's love life. And a fish.
9. You're hesitant to tell your friends because you don't want a bunch of people asking for your medicine.
"Do you have any Adderall?"
Not for you.
10. You've thought about how much money you could make if you sold it instead.
But you don't because know you'd be screwed without it. Also, selling it is illegal.
11. When you forget to take your medicine, it ruins your whole day.
Because you just know you won't be able to get anything done.
12. Your hyperfocus means you waste entire days doing nothing especially productive.
Like taking apart the faucet on your sink so you can clean every single part of it. Or being so engrossed in reading that you don't even hear people saying your name.
13. But one tiny distraction could ruin your ability to focus for the rest of the day.
Like your watch ticking too loudly or someone tapping their foot.
14. You can read the same sentence 8 times and not retain a single word.
And it happens with paragraphs, and sometimes entire pages of books.
15. You're always asking people to repeat themselves.
"I know you just said words but I wasn't listening to any of it."
16. You get so excited in conversation that you're constantly talking over the other person.
I mean, at least you're interested.
17. You have to explain to your friends that you aren't mad at them, you're just on your medicine.
You turn into a zombie for 8-12 hours every day.
18. You've had at least one identity crisis.
It's just that pesky, personality-suppressing medicine that keeps you functioning like a normal adult.
19. You're always late.
It's not that you don't care, it's just that time management isn't your forte.
20. At least once, you've stayed up all night because you took your medicine too late in the day.
But at least you can stay awake during finals week.
21. Procrastination is so easy.
Because you never run out of ways to distract yourself.
22. You're always trying to work on your tendencies.
Wouldn't it be nice to function like everyone else?
23. You hate when people who clearly don't have ADHD claim they do.
You got distracted, like, three times today. No, you're not "so ADHD."
24. And you hate that so many people abuse amphetamines because your doctor is always questioning whether to prescribe you.
"Bring your psychological evaluation, your old pill bottles, old medical records, take this drug test, then maybe we'll prescribe you."
25. You remind yourself that having ADHD is part of what makes you unique.
It feels good to embrace it.