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21 Times You Pillage Your Closet Only To Pick Out Something Black

On Wednesday... No scratch that. Every day, we wear black.

21 Times You Pillage Your Closet Only To Pick Out Something Black

Everyone, and I mean everyone, can relate to this situation. You run to your closet to find an outfit and fish through a sea of colors. Red, blue, yellow, and purple clothes fly out of the closet hitting your bed and the area surrounding your bed. You continue to dig and dig until, at last you find it, a black piece of clothing. So here are 21 times we've all gone through that.

1. When You've Decided That You're Going to "Reinvent" Your Style

We've all been there, you read that fashion magazine talking about how you should "broaden your horizons" by finding brighter less blacks and grays more yellows and pinks! So you go to the mall, buy new clothes, and come home with shopping bags looking like the the inside of a skittles bag. Finally, you've turned over a new leaf! Your phone rings and its the groupchat talking about going out tonight, you rummage through your closet pull back the colorful clothing just to find all your black clothing hidden in the black. So much for turning over that new leaf.

2. Summer

It's summer and it is hot. Another heat wave has struck home but you want to go outside and actually enjoy nature for once so you return to your old friend, the closet. You know well that black clothing and the sun don't mix and end up a sweaty mess. But you are committed to your aesthetic so you peel through the white which would reflect the sun and heat, selecting a lovely black tank top and shorts.

3. Fall

Everybody talks about reds, browns, and oranges as the colors of fall. But I'm all about that black, gray, and dark gray. Plus it's Halloween season so black is totally acceptable!

4. Winter

It seems that this is the only time of year where wearing what you wear all year is finally deemed "in season" or "what looks good right now". But as soon as the snow melts away and the temperature begins to rise above freezing it's back to black being not so "in season".

5. Spring

Ahh the season of pastels and bright pinks, yellows, and blues. But not for you this is the season of pastel blacks and possibly throwing a lighter gray into your wardrobe.

6. "Describe Your Style"

When people say "describe your style" you don't have to give a whole fashion story explaining your bohemian chic, preppy, or hipster fashion asthetic. You just say one word maybe two or three words, black and sometimes really dark gray.

7. Night Out With Friends

Your friends may spend hours trying to figure out if the red shirt goes with this jean skirt or if this dress goes with these shoes. But all you have to choose between is between black or a slightly darker black, saving more more time to do more important things.

8. When Your Friends and Family Tell You "Need More Colors" In Your Closet

Okay I love fashion advice as much as the next person, but, and this is a huge but. I'm not changing my aesthetic so don't even try to suggest that a "pop of color" is what I need in my wardrobe.

9. Finding Clothes for Work

Finding clothing for work is not as hard as one may think. Just find a black shirt, pants, and shoes that match. Plus you never have to worry if a job requires you to wear all black.

10. Meeting Someone for Dinner

Meeting someone new can be really scary, and even more scary when all you wear is black. Your constantly in a state of thinking if they will find you weird if you are always wearing black or if they will actually like it.

11. On the Off Chance We Don't Wear Black...

Okay on the off chance that you don't wear black there will always, always be something black on you like a necklace or a pair of shoes. So don't worry if I'm not wearing a black shirt or pants you can bet there will be something else to compensate for all the color.

12. The Struggle of Finding Matching Black Clothing

Finding an outfit that looks good is one struggle, but finding an all black outfit that matches impossible. Before you even walk out of your house that outfit has probably gone through a series of lighting checks.

13. When You Think You Found Two Matching Pieces But...

So you've finally found what you think are two matching pieces of black clothing. It looked great in your bedroom lighting and when you stepped into the bathroom lighting. But now that you're outside you are now noticing that the blacks are in fact different shades.

14. Your Definition of "Adding Color" is Totally Different from Mine

Your definition of adding color is like adding a splash of red or pink to an all black ensemble. My definition of adding color is throwing a bit of gray into my outfit.

15. Shopping is Soo Much Easier

Thanks to our limited color preference shopping online is such a breeze. No wondering if this blue would match with those jeans or if that color is in fact purple because it could be mauve, periwinkle, or maybe even orchid. Also having the ability to scroll down on the filter option and select one color slims down the picking soo much quicker rather than scrolling for what feels like an eternity.

16. When You Do Step Out in Something Other Than Black

So on very rare occasions, an outfit with color does appear and when you finally walk outside with it on it's like someone reinvented the wheel because you wearing color is ALL people can seem to talk about.

17. You Have Never Encountered a Time When You Didn't Have Something to Wear

Black goes with everything. And so having to fight with yourself on whether to wear those shoes or pick between that sweater or that sweater is easy--because it's all black anyway.

18. Having Other People Shop for You is Impossible

While it's great to have a friend ask if they could pick out an outfit for you while shopping together it can be quite stressful. First of all they often pick clothing with crazy colorful patterns or just neon clothing which is definitely not your style. Second you have to get the courage to tell them that if it isn't black, you won't wear it.

19. When You Want to Find That Shirt It's Nearly Impossible

Oh a struggle we all know too well. You want that black shirt with the cute lace but you have to fish through the other ten shirts that are black with lace.

20. The Struggle of Finding Out Something Isn't Really Black

After scrolling online or searching rack after rack in the mall you've finally found what you think is the shirt you've wanted. But when you go to try it on it different lighting you find it is intact just really dark navy blue.

21. There Are Perks to Wearing Black

If you wear black there are a lot of perks, the main one being, you can wear the same shirt but with different pants or shoes and no one will ever notice.

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