As someone who requires a lot of sleep, I often find myself dozing off at times where I probably shouldn't be. And, if you're anything like me, you'll relate to these 10 things!!
1. When the professor has a monotone voice
We all know that teacher that could be talking about the most interesting thing in the world, but their voice... Just. So. Flat.
2. When you're trying to finish a movie late at night
The internal battle of seeing the ending or getting some shut eye is REAL.
3. Staying up late texting someone
No matter how badly you want to talk to them, sometimes your body just can't take it anymore.
4. Doing boring work/ work you don't understand
Calculus homework < sleeping. Always.
5. When you see someone else yawn
Yawning is most DEFINITELY contagious and once I see someone yawn I can't help but feel sleepy too. (Be honest, didn't this make you yawn?)
6. After not eating enough during the day
If your body doesn't get the fuel it needs, it just decides to sleep instead!
7. Or not drinking enough water
Dehydration = exhaustion. No questions about it.
8. When you finally get out of bed after snoozing your alarm
The hardest urge to fight is to go back to bed or not to go back to bed.
9. A few hours after drinking a cup of coffee
Because everything that goes up must come down, including the energy that you get from caffeine.
10. Any day where you got less than 8 hours the night before
Because sleep is important, you can't live without it!:)