Time's up.
It’s a phrase that has been gaining popularity ever since the Golden Globes when celebrities and directors alike wore black in symbolism of the sexual violence that permeates our society every day.
In the recent discussion about sexual violence, this is the first time it has been brought to the forefront and has been elevated to this magnitude of importance.
This movement not only recognizes the struggle of sexual violence, it also recognizes the unfair gender bias that we still face today, even if not everyone realizes it.
Time's Up is revolutionary for the war against sexual violence and gender bias, in the workplace and in our everyday lives. It was a great way to start off this new year. It was the perfect time and way to express a problem which has too long gone on without any true recognition at the global level.
Time's Up is the start of something bigger; it’s a rallying cry for those who have been left alone in the dark; it is a hope for those who felt their stories wouldn’t matter.
Time's Up is the anchor which everyone can grab onto. It is the start of repairing the unfairness and violence in which too many people have suffered. It is a call to action to change how we raise our children and how we treat those around us.
I am proud to live in a time when a movement like this has been taken up and has changed lives.
I’m still appalled that our society needs it at all, but this is the beginning of the end of sexual violence and unfair gender bias.