The Fourth of July is right around the corner. For the rest of the world, this holiday doesn't exactly apply to them, but we Americans make it such a big deal that even people of countries that aren't even remotely involved, get involved. However, the glorious, glorious internet has given the British and Americans a chance to continue on with the war in a war of wits, especially at this time of year. To exemplify what I mean, I have brought to you a compilation of 24 21st Century smack downs between the ol' red coats and blue coats.
1. When they tried to hate on our health care system
"What? What did you say?"
2. There was that time when we turned a British tune into an American anthem
Ed may be a red head, but he secretly holds America in his deep blue heart.
3. Once, we gave them a gentle reminder to those hatin' on our enthusiasm
We like our British people like we like our tea: salty.
4. There was that time where the Asians decided to get involved
5. That time when Americans were the original, tea-dumping hipsters
6. When Microsoft Word silently warranted American English
7. Americans finally explained why we don't have the "u"
Shut. Down.
8. When we took a particular British band and threw America back in their face
Triumph in The Revolutionary War only went in One Direction.*
9. And then did it again
*The American direction.
10. When America turned into a troupe of mean girls
"Oh my gosh, Baldie, you can't just ask people why they are British."
11. There was the time when we cleared the air on who wishes they were who
12. When Canada knew the song of our people
*pumps fist rapidly in the air*
13. When this American reminded us that all parties should be for the USA
14. There was that one time when the British were able to make a comeback
Okay. You win this one.
15. When they decided to make fun of our kitchenware and we shut them down completely
*drops mic into a cup of Raspberry Zinger*
16. Curiosity turned into an American opportunity
"4(th of July)"
17. When there was no fault in our stars
"America?" "America."
18. When we finally cleared up the stereotypes for the world
We now have a well informed interweb.
19. When an innocent attempt to question America's living situation took a huge turn
20. When the marital issues resurfaced
21. When we reminded the world that our freedom is everywhere
22. When the real effects of The Revolutionary War were revealed
23. When another national anthem was thrown into the mix
Everybody now!
24. And then finally, there was that time when the rest of the world revealed their true feelings on the USA/UK matter
Happy Birthday, America. Keep on, keepin' on.