Halloweentown is arguably the greatest Halloween movie series in existence. Everyone has their opinions, but if you ask me, it's indisputable. There is nothing more magical than following Marnie into Halloweentown and watching her hang out with all the local monsters, witches, and warlocks. Without a doubt the best time to watch Halloweentown is spooky season, but since I came to college, the scariest thing about this time of year definitely isn't the ghosts and ghouls. It's buckling down, writing papers in one sitting and memorizing chapters of information in a matter of hours. It's midterm season and no one does a better job at describing it than the Halloweentown movies.
1. When the Professor Says You Can't Wait to Study until the Night Before
2. When Someone Says They Already Finished the Study Guide
3. When the Information You Need is in a Book You Never Bought
4. How All of Your Group Members Act When You Ask for Their Part of the Project
5. When You Walk in on Your Friend Having Their Third Mental Breakdown of the Week
6. When Your Class With No Midterm Still Assigns an 80 Page Reading
7. When A Class Gets Cancelled During Midterms Week
8. How It Feels Walking into the Sunlight After Being in the Library for 6 Hours
9. When Your Roommate Tells You to Give Up and Just Go to Bed But You're Not Done Studying Yet
10. When The Professor Thinks You're Brilliant for the Paper You Spent 7 Hours Writing
11. When You've Studied So Hard You Know All the Useless Stuff Too
12. What Your Roommate Says When You're Packing Your Things At Top Speed So You Can Leave For Break
13. When You Finally Get Home For Break and Your Mom Asks How It Went
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