If you wear glasses you know how difficult it makes life. I've had glasses since the second grade and it's been a pain ever since. Sure it's cool being able to choose new glasses every year but the rest is a downward spiral. Apart from being called four eyes, get ready to relate to these 10 things that you have to deal with when you wear glasses.
1. When they slide off your nose bridge and you have to keep pushing them up.
I don’t know if this is an universal problem or just me, but it is so annoying.
2. Walking in the rain.
It is THE worst when you walk through the rain like this:
3. Taking pictures.
You either take your glasses off and guess where to look, or take the risk of the weird glare that will show up in pictures.
4. Driving when it’s sunny.
This is a whole process. You need to buy prescription sunglasses and then when you realize the sun is in your face, you strategically switch your glasses out with your sunglasses while driving without getting into an accident.
5. In the shower.
How does one function when shaving if you can’t see your leg?!
6. Drinking a hot drink.
That feeling when you take a nice warm sip and then your glasses fog up.
7. Dirty glasses.
There’s always some type of smudge on these things and once you clean them, it’s dirty again within a second!
8. When going out.
If you wear contacts, you need to strategize if you will need your glasses with you because the last thing you want is to take out your contacts AND have no glasses.
9. Buying glasses.
We’re essentially paying to see. Some people get to see for free. That must be nice.
10. Trying to lay down and watch TV.
It just hurts and is NOT comfortable. You spend half the time trying to get into a position where your glasses will not stab your face while still being able to see the screen. Maybe we do need this pillow...