If you're in college, you have probably experienced ALL of these. Who better to tell it than the cast of 'Friends':
1. The entire week is defined by sleep deprivation.
Every night turns into a morning, and the amount of coffee that you have to drink just to stay awake is ENDLESS. By the time it's over, you have probably adapted a new skill that Chandler couldn't have said it any better himself when he said, "I just realized I can sleep with my eyes open".
2. You don't have any idea of where to begin.
Studying for tests and trying to manage your time before finals week was hard, so when comes time to organize your study schedule and somebody asks you if you have a plan, you will most likely give a very Phoebe response by saying, "A plan? I don't even have a pla-".
3. Sundays turn into a workday.
Sundays are usually the day where you relax, watch some Netflix in your bed and forget all of your responsibilities until the next morning when Monday kicks in again. But, for finals week, Sunday is just like any other day and there is no time to stop working. So when one of your friends tells you that you have to study on a Sunday, well, you probably respond with a slight sense of shock like Chandler by saying, "Its Sunday. I don't move on Sundays."
4. You didn't think you could feel as tired and weary as you do.
The amount of stress that finals put on us is incomparable to any other time of the year. There were probably other times where you think you hit rock bottom and did not think it could get any lower, and then you got here. Rachel was all of us when she said, "Today, there's rock bottom, then 50 feet of crap, then me".
5. Once you're done, you want to do nothing for the rest of your life.
By the time all of your tests are over, your deadlines are met, and your rental books are returned, it's finally time to go home. So when you walk in the door tired, beat, and hungry, and your mom asks you to do something for her, the only response is going to be to quote Phoebe and say, "I wish I could. But I don't want to".